
A week of outreach organised by ‘La Voix des Prophètes’ (Voice of the Prophets) in Paris.

A week of outreach organised by ‘La Voix des Prophètes’ (Voice of the Prophets) in Paris.
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 June, 2013 3 min read

About 110 young people between the ages of  15 and 25 were on the team. During the week there were more than 500 significant conversations! Over 900 Bibles were distributed. More than 500 copies of the booklet ‘Cher Abdullah’ and the CD ‘Chemin vers le ciel’ (testimonies of Christians from Muslim backgrounds) distributed.

We were very encouraged by the final evening meeting. Over 180 people were present, many of whom came from countries that are closed to the gospel: Senegal, Mali…many Arabs, Berbers and French people. There was a simultaneous translation into Arabic provided by an Egyptian brother.

The room was so packed out that we had to subtly ask the Christians present to leave in order to make space for the numerous Muslims who had come! We therefore ended up with four other rooms full of Christians praying for the salvation of those listening in the main room. There was an improvised crèche for young children.

At least 70 non-Christians (probably more) had responded to our invitation to the evening meeting entitled ‘The Prophet Moses and the Bronze Snake.’ The vast majority of them were from a Muslim background. The audience included one Imam and three veiled women, one with just her eyes visible. The team could hardly believe what they were seeing! The lady wearing a full burka had a long conversation with one of the girls on the team and I was then called over to speak to her. She said, ‘I was very moved by the message. It is so beautiful that I can hardly believe it can be true.’ I encouraged her to pray and ask God to help her. She promised to do so that very evening.

There were many amazing conversations. We stayed talking with the visitors until midnight.

S, from Mali, gave his life to the Lord during the week and came to the closing meeting. He confirmed his intention to join the church, and we watched with joy as we heard him sharing his new-found faith with another Malian. What an encouragement!

M, a Kabyle Algerian, was clearly very touched by the message. He had received an invitation the previous Sunday and waited impatiently for the Friday meeting. M spoke to many team members and prayed with one in particular. He took the church’s details and asked if he could attend on Sunday. It seems he is not far from the Kingdom. Pray for him.

  • Pray for a young North African, Y, and his ‘Christian’ Egyptian friends. They brought him along, but it was clear that they themselves need to get serious about living for the Lord!
  • Pray for a veiled Moroccan Berber lady who was mourning two children and who said that she had heard the gospel for the first time (her neighbour is a Christian).
  • Pray for the local church who will be following up all these contacts.

‘La Voix des Prophètes’ is a French non-profit-making Christian literature ministry (resource centre) that seeks to make the message of the gospel message accessible to people from non-Christian backgrounds – especially Muslims. (French) / (English).

La Voix des Prophètes (and Word of Hope Ministries) would like to make their resources available in part of Africa where French and English are spoken. If you know of Christian workers/churches in Africa who you think could benefit from this, or if you would like to make a donation towards this project, please contact us at:

ET staff writer
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