
Asbury and the holy FOMO

Asbury and the holy FOMO
The chapel of Asbury University
Jeremy Walker
Jeremy Walker Jeremy is the pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley.
08 March, 2023 8 min read

A lot of people were heading to Asbury University, a private Christian university in Wilmore, Kentucky. I had not been to Asbury, and I have not been to Asbury. I do not anticipate going to Asbury.

Why were they going to Asbury? It was because, for several weeks in February, something was taking place in the chapel of Asbury University. A regular Wednesday morning chapel service became a sort of rolling worship service. Revival, we were told, is happening at Asbury. Many people were heading to Asbury. A couple of friends asked me, ‘Should I go to Asbury?’

I think they may have holy FOMO. FOMO, as you may know, is the Fear Of Missing Out. It is a fundamentally stressful state of being, involving a sort of constant apprehension – usually fuelled in these days by a stream of online information and a flood of social media – that someone, somewhere, is enjoying something that you want or need, some event or experience that will make your life fundamentally better.

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