Atheism’s New Clothes

Atheism’s New Clothes
Arthur Jones
01 December, 2012 1 min read
Atheism’s New Clothes

David H Glass
Apollos (IVP)
320, £16.99
ISBN: 978-1-84474-571-5
Star Rating: 5

In a review of Richard Barn’s The Dawkins Proof for ET last year I had to ask if we needed yet another book responding to the New Atheists.  To my surprise, I must again answer ‘Yes!’, because Glass’s book is also very usefully different from the others I have read.

For the New Atheists, religion is evil and a major cause of violence and suffering throughout the world.  Its adherents are irrational, even deluded.  In contrast, atheists are extolled as eminently reasonable and objective people and as defenders of true morality and peace.

Dr Glass, with expertise in both science and philosophy, is well-qualified to respond to those who, contrary to the impressions they cultivate, are really doing philosophy when they appeal to science, and who dismiss Christian faith without addressing, or even recognising, its strong rational and evidential basis.

The great usefulness of Glass’s book lies in its comprehensive and systematic response to the arguments and rhetoric of the New Atheists and its equally thorough presentation of a positive case for Christianity.  Thus Glass covers philosophy and science, origins, the existence and order of the universe, the existence of conscious minds, design in biology, the origin and nature of religion, morality and evil, miracles, God and revelation, Jesus and the Resurrection, and, last but certainly not least, the meaning of life!  In short, what Glass has given us is a one-stop double bill – a powerful critique of the New Atheism that is also a fine example of Christian apologetics at its best.

I also appreciated his even-handed response to the proponents of Intelligent Design.

Atheism’s New Clothes is not a quick read.  It is relatively long and requires concentrated attention, but throughout it is clear and accessible.  In an age when Christianity is under constant attack, it is a great resource to have at hand.

Highly recommended.

Arthur Jones (Manchester)

(Review: 308 words)

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