ET Authors

Timothy Cross has written many Christian books and articles and has an honorary doctorate from Christian Bible College, Rocky Mount, NC.

An Elder of the Campus Church since its foundation, Edgar remains its co-pastor. He has written books on many Christian topics and was editor of the Evangelical Times newspaper for over ten years.

Born in England of Irish and Kurdish parents, Michael Haykin is professor of church history and biblical spirituality, holding a Th.D. in Church History from Wycliffe College / University of Toronto.

Geoff Thomas is a well-known author and conference speaker and was pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth for over 50 years.

John is a minister in the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing). He was ordained and inducted to Burghead in 1987. He also ministered at Bracadale and retired in 2011.

Eryl Davies is an elder at Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff and is a consulting editor of the Evangelical Magazine.

Faith Cook, daughter of Stanley and Norah Rowe, missionaries of the China Inland Mission (now OMF), was born in north-west China.

John Thornbury is senior pastor of Winfield Baptist Church (ABC), Winfield, Pennsylvania. He is a conference speaker and author of several books.

Paul Smith is full-time elder of Grace Baptist Church, Broadstairs, Kent. He is also a director and the book reviews editor for ET.

He is pastor of Sovereign Hope Bible-Presbyterian Ministry and an adjunct lecturer at Biblical Reformed Seminary Yangon, Myanmar, and Indian Reformed Biblical Seminary, Bangalore.

Nigel Faithfull is a retired analytical chemist and member of St Mellons Baptist Church, Cardiff. In 2012, he published Thoughts fixed and affections flaming (Day One), concerning Matthew Henry.

Pastor Mohon is the minister of the Presbyterian Reformed Church, Stockton-on-Tees. As well as qualifications in banking and taxation, he holds an MA in Theology from the University of Durham.

Roger Carswell was raised in Yorkshire but has worked as an itinerant evangelist for over forty years. He lives with his wife Dorothy in Threshfield, N Yorks.

Stuart is an elder at Hope Church in Ferndown. He is married to Liz and they have three grown up children and four grandchildren.

Kent Philpott is pastor of Miller Avenue Baptist Church, Mill Valley, California, and director of Earthen Vessel Publishing.

Andy McIntosh is Emeritus Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion theory at the University of Leeds and director of Truth in Science which promotes creationism and intelligent design.
Jonathan is a British author, journalist, and Baptist minister. He is also a minister at Widcombe Baptist Church in Bath, England. He has worked for the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship.
Rev Dr Peter Barnes is a Presbyterian pastor who lives in Sydney, Australia. He has served on the mission field in Vanuatu, ministered on the Nambucca River in northern NSW, and is currently pastor at
Guy Davies BA (Hons) Theology, originally hails from Newport, South Wales. He trained for the Ministry at the London Theological Seminary and obtained his degree from Greenwich School of Theology. He
Gordon Keddie is a Scottish pastor and theologian of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, educated at George Heriot's School,
the University of Aberdeen, the University of Edinburgh, W
Paul Cook held various pastorates in the UK, and was one of the editors of Christian Hymns. He was married to Faith, the author of many books, until his death in 2020.
Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.

Don Fortner lives in Danville, Kentucky, USA, where he is the pastor of Grace Baptist Church. He is a regular conference speaker in the US and throughout the world.
David Campbell was born and grew up in Scotland. At university he felt a call to the gospel ministry and subsequently spent 4 years studying at the Free Church of Scotland College in Edinburgh. From 1
Peter was ordained to the ministry in 1963 at age 25 and served as the Minister at Ebenezer Congregational Church in Cwmbran, Wales. In 1972 he accepted a call to Rugby Evangelical Free Church where h
Stan Evers retired from his church at Potton, after leading his congregation for exactly 25 years.

Dr John Blanchard (1932–2021) was an international conference speaker, teacher and preacher, and a best-selling author of books on the Christian faith, including Ultimate Questions (EP Books).

Roger Hitchings has pursued an itinerant ministry since his retirement. He regularly speaks and writes on old age and dementia, and is chair of the Reformation and Revival Fellowship.

Simon has been sent by the International Presbyterian Church to lead All Nations Church, Ilford. Born and bred south of the river in Camberwell, London, he studied in York.

Mark Johnston has ministered in Ireland, Camberwell and Philadelphia, USA, and is currently Minister of Bethel Presbyterian Church, Cardiff.
He is also a trustee of the Banner of Truth Trust.

Matthew Pickhaver, an Associate Lecturer and Communications Manager with Biblical Creation Trust, holds a BSc in Zoology from University College London. He preaches regularly in Norfolk.
After coming to the knowledge of Christ at an early age, Roger Ellsworth began preaching at age 11 and pastoring at age 16. He has served as pastor of churches in Illinois, Kansas and Missouri. He is
Dr Gary E. Gilley has been the pastor of Southern View Chapel since 1975. Along with his preaching and teaching ministry, he is the author
and editor of the monthly contemporary theological issues p
Paul Mackrell grew up in Hampshire but now lives in West Sussex with his wife, Sue, who comes from Liverpool.
Philip Eveson is a former Principal of the London Theological Seminary (LTS) and was one of the four original faculty members. The subjects he has taught at LTS have included the Biblical Languages, E
Stephen has been the pastor of Westhoughton Evangelical Church in the north west of England since February 2003. He is also the north of England 'Wycliffe Preacher' for the Protestant Truth Society.

Erroll Hulse was born at Fort Beaufort in South Africa and graduated Pretoria University in 1954, later studying at London Bible College. He is associate pastor at Leeds Reformed Baptist Church, UK.

An elder at St Mellons Baptist Church, Cardiff and Chairman of Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales.
John Harris retired from the pastorate at Mirfield Evangelical Church in 2006.
Roland is the former pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church, Old Hill, Cradley Heath.

Joel R. Beeke (b.1952) is an American Christian pastor and theologian. He is minister of the Reformed Congregation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and President of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Author and speaker Sharon James studied history at Cambridge, theology at Toronto Baptist Seminary and has a doctorate from the University of Wales. Sharon works for The Christian Institute.
David Magowan was born in Jamaica to missionary parents, but spent most of his childhood in Northern Ireland. After graduating from Cambridge University in 1984 he worked as an airport civil engineer
Paul Garner has a degree in Environmental Sciences, with an emphasis on Geology and Biology. He is a Fellow of the Geological Society of London.
Middle East Reformed Fellowship (MERF) is an evangelical Christian missionary organization which serves in the Middle East, North Africa and Asia on behalf of Reformed and Presbyterian Family of Churc
Noel Ramsey was born in Belfast in 1960 and lived there for several years until his family moved to Newtownabbey. After school he worked for ten years as a Coachbuilder. After a football accident he w
Doug Nichols and his wife Margaret have served in missions for nearly 47 years of which 20 years were in the Philippines.
They presently reside in Issaquah, Washington, where Doug serves as Global M
In 1971 Robert commenced a pastorate at the Old Baptist Chapel, Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire. This continued until retirement in 2006. During this pastorate he completed a research course leading to a
James is assistant to the pastor at Tollgate Evangelical Church in Redhill, Surrey.
Brian Ellis has been a missionary to Cubao, Manila, for many years, working in partnership with Grace Baptist Mission.
The author has retired after 40 years as minister of Pontefract Evangelical Church.
Geoff is a retired evangelist and an associate of the Open-Air Mission.
Dr Gwyn Davies (now retired) was a lecturer in church history at the Wales Evangelical School of Theology.
David is Sales and Marketing Manager at Heritage Books, Grand Rapids
Gerard Chrispin is enthusiastic about the Christian message! He feels the greatest joys are to receive Christ and to help others to do so. He is fully involved in this work through his local church, h

Tim Challies is an elder at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario. He is an author, book reviewer, and a co-founder of Cruciform Press, and blogs at

Graham is a retired pastor of Dewsbury Evangelical Church. He was converted as a teenager, but grew up in a home where God was never mentioned. He became a widower in 2017 and has 5 grown-up children.
Rod Badams is retiring on 11 November after 13 years as administrator of the Fellowship of Evangelical Churches (FIEC). He previously worked for Christians at Work for 22 years, after 11 years in jour
Iain Murray served as assistant to Dr. Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel for three years and founded the Banner of Truth Trust in 1957, alongside Jack Cullum. Iain is the author of numerous books, inc
Stephen Ford is pastor of Lordshill Baptist Church, Snailbeach, Shropshire.
A native of Limerick, Kieran Beville graduated from University College Cork with a BA Degree and Post-Graduate Diploma in Education. Subsequently he taught English, History, Communications and Media S

Austin is the retired pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church, Crawley. He is currently a member of Castlefields Church, Derby and an occasional preacher.

Chris Hand, the pastor, has been at Crich Baptist Church, since December 2000. Prior to that he had been the pastor of a church in Lewisham, South London.
William Horsburgh was trained at the Bible Training Institute in Glasgow, and from there was called to Ryedale to become their first full-time pastor.
Conrad Pomeroy became the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church, Dundee in May 2001. He is now the pastor of Dudley Baptist Church in the West Midlands.
Jonathan Stephen is the Principal of Wales Evangelical School of Theology (WEST), and the Director of Affinity,
an organisation promoting partnership between Bible-Centred churches.
Ruth is married to Gareth who has been the pastor of Stranmillis Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Belfast, since 2000.

Crawford Gribben is a cultural and literary historian whose work concentrates on the development and dissemination of religious ideas, especially in terms of apocalyptic and millennial thought.
Previously a missionary in Ivory Coast, Ken Wimer ministers in Shreveport, Louisiana (www. shreveg He trains Haitian preachers using Europresse (French EP) study courses; and annually runs
Louise works with Pilgrims’ Friend Society (

"I became the Pastor of Arnold Road Evangelical Church in 1999. I am thankful to God for bringing me here and for the love and
encouragement of the Church.
Jim Cromarty is a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church of Eastern Australia and the popular author of Books for Family Reading and
A Book for Family Worship published by Evangelical Press.
Rev Dr Nick Needham is a Baptist minister from London. He holds the degrees of BD and PhD from the University of Edinburgh.
Nick joined the teaching staff of Highland Theological College in 1999. Si

Rev Ian McNaughton DipTh, ThM (Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia), is Chairman of Answers in Genesis (UK/Europe) and also had articles published in Reformation Today.
Dominic is a Chartered Engineer and graduate of Loughborough University in the UK. He has extensive experience of both manufacturing and
product development and holds a number of patents. As an emplo
Having grown up as an atheist, he became a Christian at University in 1996. He studied theology and pastoral studies at Oak Hill College from 2006-2009. He is married to Elisabeth and they have two ch

Stuart Burgess is a professor of engineering design and excels in mechanical engineering, both in manmade devices and God’s design in nature. He has published many articles and books on his research.

Philip is a scientist and educator who lives and works in the United Kingdom. He studied biology and geology at the University of Wales (Swansea), graduating in zoology in 1989.
Jon Taylor is an evangelist/liaison officer for Messianic Testimony, an associate of the Open Air Mission and a researcher for the Reachout Trust.
Brian was born and grew up in a Christian family in Carlisle. After studying theology in London he worked for a while with
students with UCCF and then pastored a church in Stockport for 18 years. He
Elisabeth is married to the Pastor of Longmeadow Evangelical Church, Stevenage.
Peter Culver went to be with his Lord early on 7th November 2013. Peter and May served this church from the 1970s when
Peter became minister in 1976 and, after retiring from full time ministry, he c
David Clark was born and brought up in a missionary family working in France. He is active in his local Evangelical and Reformed church,
where he lives after spending a number of years in the USA. H
Martin served as an elder at Welcome Hall Evangelical Church, Bromsgrove.
The author continues to preach and teach the Word of God in Africa and other such places in the French-speaking world. He works in partnership with Evangelical Press Missionary and the ministry of its

John Murray (1898-1975) was recognised in his lifetime as one of the world's leading Reformed theologian. He was associated with the work of the Banner of Truth Trust for 45 years.
David was, for many years, director of the Albanian Evangelical Mission
Palmer Robertson was born in 1937 and is a graduate of Belhaven College and Westminster Theological Seminary. He gained his ThD at Union Theological Seminary in Richmond, Virginia, has pastored congre
Ray is married to Jenny and serves as lead minister at Grace Community Church in Bedford. They have been part of Grace for over 35 years.
On 7 March, 2015, Nick Fuller was inducted to the pastorate of Truro Evangelical Church, Cornwall.
John was born and initially schooled in Cambridge, but most of his secondary education was at Reading School. From 1966 to 1976, he studied at Leeds, Pennsylvania State and Nottingham Universities.
Stephen Owen is an elder at Scott Drive Church, Exmouth, a businessman, and a prominent member of the Gideons. He preaches in Devon.
David is the UK representative of European Mission Fellowship, based at Guessens, Welwyn
W. John Cook tutored New Testament Studies in the South Wales Bible College, Barry, and at the Evangelical Theological
College of Wales. He retired in 2017 from the pastorate at Barry Evangelical Pr
Henry T. Mahan was born in Birmingham, Alabama, August 1926. He began pastoring at the young age of 21 and has wide experience in the pastoral ministry, having been pastor of Thirteenth Street Baptist
Rev. Derek Swann went to be with the Lord on 29 October 2007. And he was eager to go too. He shared with family and friends in the final
weeks that he had such great joy and peace; and longed to be
Andrew was a pastor in the north of England before being called to work amongst the Turkish Cypriots of North Cyprus, where he has served since 1985.
Paul was born in Cambridgeshire and studied maths at university in Newcastle, where he became a Christian in his second year.
Sensing a call to the ministry, Paul first taught for a number of years

Adrian Freer was born and lives in Leicestershire where he is now retired. He was educated at Loughborough Grammar School and Leicester College of Art and Technology (now De Montfort University.
Colin served for many years as an elder of a Grace Baptist Church in the UK.
Sheila Stephen is Lecturer in Pastoral Theology. Her academic background is in Biblical Studies and Social Theory & Institutions
as well as Counselling. She is a professional counsellor, clinical
Jeremy Brooks is pastor of Welcome Hall Evangelical Church, Bromsgrove. He chairs the Dudley Reformed Ministers’ Fraternal, teaches ethics at the European School of Biblical Studies, and is chair of E

John A Crosby was formerly senior lecturer in physical science at Carlisle College and pastor of Grace Evangelical Church, Carlisle. He now serves as an elder in that church.
Steven Curry is currently Pastor at Bethany Baptist Church, Bangor, N. Ireland.

Matthew is the Media Publications Manager for Reformation Scotland Trust, and has worked in this post since February 2015.
Mark grew up in a Christian home, his father being the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church Maryport, Cumbria. and
he was converted at a young age. In 1993, Mark went to Aberystwyth to study law. It was
Dave is an SIMer (Serving in Mission) seconded to Oak Hill to direct the Theology for Crossing Cultures stream. After graduating from Belfast Bible College, Dave, along with his wife Maura, served wit
Glyn Williams, faithfully ministered at Tinshill Free church which he helped to found and
establish in 1978, but is now retired.
As well as lecturing at London Seminary, Garry oversees different activities at the Pastors' Academy. He is also Visiting Professor of Historical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary (Philadel
Graham is married to Ann and has two grown up children. Graham has been pastor at Peel Street Baptist Church since 2010 after
moving to Accrington from Cape Town, South Africa. His wife, Ann, is a

Dominic is currently minister at Christ Church in Teddington, Middlesex. This is a small congregation, on the north bank of the Thames, which is associated with the EFCC.

The Christian Institute exists for “the furtherance and promotion of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom” and “the advancement of education”. We are a nondenominational Christian charity.
Reverend William Macleod was ordained and inducted to Glasgow Partick in 1976. He was translated to Portree in 1993, and again to Glasgow Thornwood (now Knightswood) in 2006. He served as Moderator of
Ian is the former Chairman of Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association.
The Barnabas Fund is an international, interdenominational Christian aid agency based in Coventry, in the West Midlands of England
that supports Christians who face discrimination or persecution as
William Wade was an Army Scripture Reader with SASRA in Colchester. On 2 April 2017, Crossroads International Church formally inducted ASR William Wade, previously of the 16 Air Assault Brigade, as le
Dr Slava Viazovski is manager of the Russian work of Evangelical Press Missionary Trust. He is also engaged in Reformed theological teaching in the Russian world.
Stanley Jebb has pastored Baptist churches in Bristol, Porthcawl, Cradley and Dunstable.
He has retired from full time ministry and continues to preach, lecture and write.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon was an English Particular Baptist preacher. Spurgeon remains highly influential among Christians
of various denominations, among whom he is known as the "Prince of Preachers"
Patrick Sookhdeo is the director of the Institute for the Study of Islam and Christianity and was for 22 years International Director
of the Barnabas Fund. Sookhdeo is an outspoken spokesman for per
Receiving his theological education at the Bible Training Institute, Glasgow (later renamed the Glasgow Bible College) and the
London Bible College (later renamed the London School of Theology), he

Peter C. Glover is former director of the U.K. Christian Research Network and the author of the The Great Evangelical Disaster Revisited (HardWired Books, 2012).
Daniel is the pastor of Dewsbury Evangelical Church, having been in pastoral ministry in West Yorkshire since 2001. He is also a trustee of European Mission Fellowship and lectures at their school of
Paul studied for three years at the Evangelical Theological College of Wales ( ETCW Bryntirion). During his third year,
Paul received a call to the Pastorate of Newtown Evangelical Church in Mid-Wale
Roy Mellor is a retired Anglican Priest who is still active in Parish ministry in the Oxford Diocese, having served in Poole, Northampton, and Durham. He has also served for many years as a seasonal C
William Mackenzie is a founder of Christian Focus Publications in Scotland, and chairman of Evangelicals Now. He is husband to Carine — they have three daughters and eight grandchildren.
The author is minister of Elswick Parish Church, Newcastle upon Tyne, and a trustee of the Christian Institute.
Gavin is a native of Northern Ireland and pastor of Ayr Free Church (Continuing) in Scotland, since 2006. He is also a lecturer in Hebrew and Old Testament at the Free Church (Continuing) Seminary, In
Pastor Robert L. Dickie has served as Senior Pastor at Berean Baptist Church since 1982. He is an author, a conference speaker, and a director on the Board of Evangelical Press. He has authored the fo
Dr Katherine Glover is a member of Latimer Congregational Church, Beverley
Trevor Routley was sent as a missionary to Argentina by Welwyn Evangelical Church, and is now retired and still working there.
Gary has been minister at Moordown Baptist Church since 1997 after spending seventeen years pastoring a church in Buckinghamshire.
He has a passion for explaining the Bible and its relevance to beli
Peter worked for many years as an evangelist with Christian Ministries.
Richard Buckley is the minister of Trinity Possil and Henry Drummond Church in Glasgow.
He trained in ministry under Alec Motyer and J. I. Packer at Trinity Theological College in Bristol
and was
Dr. Hywel R. Jones is Professor of Practical Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary, Escondido, California. He has a B.A. from the
University of Wales, an MA from the University of Cambridge,
Graham has retired from working with the New Tribes Mission and lives in the United Kingdom.

Widely regarded as the African Spurgeon, Conrad Mbewe is faithfully and powerfully proclaiming the Word of God in Zambia from Kabwata Baptist Church in Lusaka.
Mike is a medical librarian working in the NHS. He is author of 'Do Demons Rule Your Town?'.
Anthony is an English professor at Emmanuel College in Gateshead.

Anthony Selvaggio, JD, MDiv is visiting professor at the Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh, PA, and a teaching elder in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America.
On 31 July, 2013, the Lord called Rev. James Richard Denham into his presence. Richard was 86 years old and leaves a
widow, Pearl, and seven children. He had served as a pastor and missionary in Bra
Peter was called to gospel ministry and trained at Aberystwyth Theological College in 1959. In 1961 he married Margaret and they relocated to Pembrokeshire, where they remained for 20 years. They were
David was pastor of Spring Road Evangelical Church, Southampton for 37 years, then he retired in 1992. He passed away in 2004.

Pastor of Covenant
Christian Fellowship
in Galway, Ireland, and
serves as a Trustee of the
Banner of Truth Trust.
Clive Anderson is a Christian minister and author of nine books on historical and biblical subjects, including the
prophet Nahum and Sennacherib of Assyria. He co-authored with Brian Edwards the popu
Dave Cox served as an elder at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Cardiff, and is now the pastor of Bethel Evangelical Church, Nelson.

Alec Taylor (1937–2021) was the pastor of Chelmsley Wood Reformed Baptist Church, Birmingham, and author of The Pilgrim Bible Notes, which have been translated into many languages and are widely used.
Pastor Victor Atallah is General Director of the Middle East Reformed Fellowship

Peter Masters has been the Minister of the Metropolitan Tabernacle in central London since 1970. He commenced the Evangelical Times, the monthly evangelical conservative newspaper.
In March 2015, Rev. Philip Tait joined the Protestant Truth Society (PTS) as its new director of ministry.
After studying Geology at Aberystwyth, Mark journeyed to South Asia, where for twenty years he was involved in evangelism,
Bible teaching, leadership training, research, writing, and publishing prin
Rev Daniel James David Webber retired from his role as Mission Director of the European Missionary Fellowship (EMF) at the end of July 2011.
He had been with EMF since 1990 and, in addition to leadi
Rev. Eric Alldritt concluded his ministry in Keswick Congregational Church in 2012. Numerous people in the various churches in which he
served, both as pastor and through preaching across the UK by i
Pastor Georgi Viazovski pastors a church in Minsk, and also (since 1995) operates a ministry translating
and publishing books, and produces a regular magazine for all Russian-speaking lands.
Gary is one of the Pastors at Redeemer church Leeds where he moved to plant in 2010. Prior to that Gary served in a number of different
churches around the UK.
Rev. Derek J. Prime, M.A., S.Th., born in 1931, was converted to Christ in his early teens. His desire to preach the gospel was encouraged
and confirmed soon after that, and he has served two church
Andrew Davies studied at the Universities of London and Oxford. He pastored churches in New Zealand, Australia, London and Wales, taught church history and homiletics at London Theological Seminary, W
Born in Co. Donegal, Ireland in 1922, Frederick Leahy prepared for the ministry at the Free Church College, Edinburgh, and Calvin
Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids. Ordained in Finaghy Evangelical
Malcolm Watts was born in 1946 in Barnstaple, North Devon, England. Brought up in a Christian home, he was called by grace in his teenage years, and subsequently, called into the ministry.
He trained

Biographer, historian and theologian, Dr. George M. Ella, was born in England in 1939. He sat under the ministry of Martyn Lloyd-Jones. He He lives in Mülheim, Germany.

John-William Noble is Pastor of Grace Baptist Church Aberdeen, director of a Christian publisher called Parrēsia and author of two books.

Revd Dr Richard Turnbull is Director of the Centre for Enterprise, Markets and Ethics, a trustee of The Christian Institute, and visiting professor at St Mary’s University, Twickenham.
Scriptorium and Outreach Coordinator at Christian Heritage, Round Church Cambridge.
Esther is senior pastoral administrator of Caring For Life (CFL), Leeds, providing for vulnerable people.
Brian was pastor for 29 years at Hook Evangelical Church, Surbiton. He has written many books. He has also been President of the FIEC.
Stephen Kneale is pastor of at Oldham Bethel Church in Greater Manchester.
In 1986 Ken was invited to become associate minister at East London Tabernacle and became minister in 1989.
In addition to his pastoral responsibilities he teaches church history at London Seminary

Kevin DeYoung is an American Reformed Evangelical theologian and author. He is currently the senior pastor at Christ Covenant Church.
Mike Matthews is a retired architect. At one time he edited Origins, the journal of the Biblical Creation Society (now Biblical Creation Trust).
Lee has been Director of Church Society since January 2013. In addition to editing an internet journal called Theologian,
Lee serves as a member of the editorial board of Themelios, and is on the co
Paul Watts is Pastor and Elder at Lower Ford Street Church in Coventry.
Paul is pastor of Grace Reformed Church, Clarkston, Washington, USA
Paul lives in Haworth, West Yorkshire and is married to Claire with five children. Paul is currently Pastor of Hall Green
Baptist Church and was the Pastor at Browning Avenue Baptist Church Hartlepo
The author pastors Covenant Reformed Church of Carbondale, Pennsylvania.
At the beginning of January 2017 John stood down as pastor of CSBC and the church set him apart for a new role with the John Owen Centre (part of London Seminary). He is now involved in the pastoral s
Richard V. Pierard, Professor Emeritus of History at Indiana State University and Gordon College,
scholar-in-residence and holder of the Stephen Phillips Chair of History
at Gordon College, Massach
Timothy was born in Manchester in 1926. He was ordained deacon in 1950, priest in 1951, Archdeacon of Norwich, 1973-81 and
Bishop of Thetford, 1981-91. He retired to Salisbury, in 1992.
He has writ
Gary Shepard is Pastor of Sovereign Grace Baptist Church, Jacksonville, NC
Paul is the President of African Bible Colleges, Inc. and Chancellor for all three Universities located in Malawi, Uganda
and Liberia. Dr. Chinchen is the founder of the ABC Community Clinic (1999),
Vernon Higham was born in Caernarfon, North Wales, but moved to Bolton in Lancashire, England, during the depression of the 1930's.
Following employment and training as a teacher in his early twenti
Don and his wife have worked as missionaries, in Argentina for several years, establishing a church there.
William is the manager of Edinburgh Evangelical Christian Bookshop and is receiving training with Grace Baptist Partnership (Scotland)
Executive Editor for and Pastor at Cities Church in Minneapolis/St. Paul. He is author of The Christmas We Didn’t Expect: Daily Devotions for Advent.

John F. MacArthur (born June 19, 1939) is an American pastor and author known for his internationally syndicated Christian teaching radio program Grace to You.
Peter Naylor (1937-2007) obtained his M.Th at the University of London, and then studied Semitics at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He was also awarded a Ph.D. from Potchefstroom University, So
Maurice Roberts was the minister of Ayr Free Church of Scotland from 1974 to 1994, and then of the Greyfriars Congregation, Inverness, since 2000 a congregation of the Free Church of Scotland (Continu
Simon is the executive director and speaker for Answers in Genesis UK.
Leslie Yates is a member of Trinity Grace Church, Ramsbottom, Lancashire.
Michael Reeves is president and professor of theology at Union School of Theology (,
which has hubs across the UK, making an accredited theological education geographically and
Reverend William B. Scott of the Free Church (Continuing) regularly visited Eastern Europe from 1971 until 1998, preaching in many different churches. He had a break from these visits when he and his

Adrian Carey-Jones is a pastor of a Romanian church in Bristol, and a trustee of Romanian Ministries.
Maciek is married to Mary; they have two grown up children and 3 grandchildren. They have been in Grace Church, Southport for 40 years;
he was appointed as an elder in Nov 2012. Maciek spent many ye
John works as a Senior Manager for professional services firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers, which he joined following
graduation from Bristol University. John has overall responsibility for the children’
Stephen has been a Christian pastor since 1983, and has been pastor of Freeschool Court Evangelical Church, Bridgend since September 1998.

Stephen Lloyd (MA, PhD Cambridge) works as a Researcher and Lecturer for Biblical Creation Trust and is also pastor of Hope Church, Gravesend. He contributed to the book 'Debating Darwin'.
Peter Rowell ministered for 18 years in Coventry, and then was called to Forest Fold Baptist Chapel in Crowborough, where he served as pastor for 24 years, before his retirement.
Bertie is the teaching elder at the Lifeboat Fellowship, Dungannon, Northern Ireland.
The author is a research scientist and member of Mottram Evangelical Church.
Tony Lambert is the director for research, Chinese ministries, for OMF International and the author of China's Christian
Millions, The Resurrection of the Chinese Church and the recently published P
Simonetta Carr is the author of Michelangelo for Kids and the award-winning Christian Biographies for Young Readers series, which includes John Calvin, Augustine of Hippo, and others. She has translat
During 2010, Simon became pastor of Salhouse Baptist Church, Norfolk, following 30 years in the commercial workplace.
In addition, Simon is a trustee of European Mission Fellowship and also of a No
Graham was pastor at Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Newport. He also lectured at London Seminary. He passed away in 2013.
Matt was born and brought up in Gloucester and became a Christian when he was 9 years old. He studied at ‘Wales
Evangelical School of Theology’ before moving to the Philippines in 2003.For the first
Alec served the Lord in the open-air at Peterborough regularly and also for a time on the Greek Island of Kos.
Paul Bassett has been Pastor for over 34 years at Melbourne Hall Evangelical Free Church, Leicester.
Dr John H. Peet is travelling secretary for the Biblical Creation Society in the United Kingdom. He holds a B.Sc. with
honours and an M.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Nottingham, and a Ph.D
Michael has retired from being the pastor at Hall Green Baptist Chapel, Haworth.
Pastor Noel Espinosa is the elder and preacher of Grace Baptist Church Los Baños, a Reformed Baptist congregation located at Laguna, Philippines.
He has studied at London Theological Seminary, and i
I live in downtown Toronto, Canada. My main calling is to help build Christ's kingdom by teaching and church-planting.
I am currently the leader of a new church-plant: Newlife Church, Toronto.
I hav
Originally from Wales, Derek Thomas is Senior Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina, and the Robert Strong Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology at Reformed Theologic

Writes about home education at, and on Facebook ('Leading Them Out: Why Christian Education Matters.')
Rachel attends Christ Church, Bradford, with her husband Richard and their three children.
Tony Hutter was born in London, and converted when a young teenager. After theological training, he had a
pastorate in Bedfordshire, after which he spent some years in Local Government. Returning to
Editor of ‘SASRA in the Second World War’ and a volunteer with Mission Assist
In July 2014, after 6 years being the Pastor of Highgate Road Chapel, Andrew Hill left to become the Executive Director of
SASRA - the Soldiers' and Airmen's Scripture Readers Association.
Julia has spent 25 years in communications and publishing with OMF International, IFES, and Lausanne Movement. She is active in
St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, where she serves on the Church Council and o

Revd Murray ministered in the Free Church of Scotland in Oban and Edinburgh, before joining the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) in 2000. He was also involved in the Banner of Truth for 45 years.
Keith and Priscilla spent many years in Trinity Baptist Church, Nairobi. He returned to the UK in 2015
Bob trained for the ministry under Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones at Westminster Chapel, and has pastored FIEC churches in
south London and village chapels in his native Cornwall. Since retirement, he is sen
Ron is Pastor at Grace Free Presbyterian Church, Newtownards, Co Down, Northern Ireland.
James Zenker is Pastor of Beeches Road Baptist Chapel in Blackheath in Rowley Regis. He also is in charge of the Crown UK Mission.
Lesley Rowe is an associate fellow in the history department of Warwick University,
Basil is a retired pastor and serves as an elder in Carey Baptist Church, Reading.
Roy serves as Elder and full-time pastor at Manor Park Church, Worcester.

Sinclair Buchanan Ferguson is a retired minister and author of several books. He serves as a Teaching Fellow with Ligonier Ministries and continues to preach God’s Word in churches and at conferences.
Alan attended Elstow Abbey Secondary Modern school. After studying Philosophy and Politics at Cardiff University he worked as a careers advisor and then at Cranfield University, developing the use of
Jim is Communications Director at GBM, and therefore responsible for communications with churches. He edits the Herald Magazine
and all other publications, organises deputation among the churche
Rev Dr Malcolm Maclean is minister of Greyfriars Free Church in Inverness and editor of The Record.
The author is a retired minister of the Presbyterian Church Ireland. He had three charges over the years of his ministry
in country, town and city. In 2015, he completed a study manual on the Westmi
Graham is the Chair of Governors at Astley Primary School, Norfolk.
Richard is currently the minister at Pontefract Congregational Church.
David, formerly in banking, trained at the Irish Baptist College and, following his graduation in 1994, took up a call
to be the Assistant Pastor at Banbridge Baptist Church. He then pastored church
During the second half of 1999, Nico and his family, with the blessing of his home Church, relocated to Pretoria.
Antipas Reformed Baptist Church, Pretoria was founded shortly afterwards.
Marylynn serves as executive researcher at the John Newton Project in England. She is widely recognized as a leading expert on the
life and work of Newton, the slave ship captain turned London pasto
Peter Hulland was preacher and pastor at Stanton Lees Chapel in the Derbyshire Dales for about 40 years.
His church, greatly blessed by the Lord over these years, has long been a centre of good prea
William VanDoodewaard is a minister in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church, and serves as Associate Professor of Church History at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (Grand Rapids, Michigan)

Bill was pastor of Emmanuel Church, Leamington Spa, for 25 years, before his appointment as Principal of London Seminary.
Kim Riddlebarger (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is senior pastor of Christ Reformed Church in Anaheim, CA,
and has been a visiting professor of systematic theology at Westminster Seminary Califo
Gordon Murray was a Chairman of the Protestant Truth Society Council.
Richard Gibson is a Christian minister. He was brought up in a home in which Israel and the Jewish people were respected
and loved, and for a number of years he lived and worked in Israel. Richard sp
Phillip Jensen is an Australian cleric of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney and the former Dean of St Andrew's Cathedral.
David was a retired pastor, having ministered in several churches in the UK as well as two pastorates in Canada.
Rev. Bill & Aletha Green have labored in church planting in Costa Rica, and are currently involved in their third church plant
on the north east side of San Jose, Costa Rica. They also helped es
Baruch and Bracha are Israeli Jewish Christians who have served in Israel for 5 decades now. Between April 1974 and December 2006
Baruch served with Christian Witness to Israel, most of that time as
Rev Roger Pomeroy, based in Cardiff, is the Field Director of the Prem Fellowship.
Peter Jensen is a retired Australian Anglican bishop, theologian and academic. From 1985 to 2001, he was Principal of Moore Theological College.
John Piper is founder and teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary.
For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is
Edward Donnelly pastored Trinity Reformed Presbyterian Church in Newtownabbey,
Northern Ireland, before his retirement in 2011. He died in 2023.
Alex and Giovanna Donnelly have lived and worked in Trujillo, Peru since 1988. Alex plays an active role in helping churches in the town of Trujillo and further afield in Peru; preaching regularly and
Bonar has been called the prince of Scottish hymn writers. After graduating from the University of Edinburgh, he was ordained in 1838,
and became pastor of the North Parish, Kelso. He joined the Fre
<em>Author and member of West Springfield Covenant Community Church, Massachusetts.</em>
Dr. R.C. Sproul (1939-2017) was founder of Ligonier Ministries and pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, FL.
John spent five years in the British Armed Forces and is now the Communications Officer for the Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association (SASRA).
<div id="fae_atjffsyyq0wau">Dr Perouz Harrison serving with the charity, Armenian Ministries, alongside her husband, Dr Michael Harrison, the director of the work.</div>
Assistant pastor at Bruntsfield Evangelical Church, Edinburgh.
Colette is married to David Harding who retired at the end of 2017 from ministering at Milnrow Evangelical Church.

Melvin Tinker (1955–2021) was Vicar of St John Newland. He read Theology at Oxford University and trained for ordination at Wycliffe Hall. He was curate at Wetherby Parish Church, Chaplain to Keele.
Andrew is an Elder at Edington Evangelical Chapel near Bridgwater in Somerset.
Tim Curnow is member of the editorial board of The Evangelical Magazine and is currently a support worker at the Salvation Army.

Jenson Lim is an elder at Dunblane Free Church and a lecturer in cell biology at Stirling University.
Tom Nettles is Professor of Historical Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.
Ben is currently serving as assistant pastor at Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Newport.
Alfred works for the Wycliffe Bible Translators in Northern Ireland.
Tony Reinke is senior writer for Desiring God and author of 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You (2017), John Newton on the Christian Life (2015), and Lit! A Christian Guide to Reading Books (2011).
Roger was pastor of Beccles Baptist Church but has retired after 23 years.
Mike Plant is the minister at Honiton Evangelical Congregational Church.
Rev Alasdair J Macleod accepted the call to the Pastoral Charge of the congregation at Knock and Point Free Church (Continuing) and was Ordained and Inducted into the Charge on 30th January 2015.

Carl Truman is professor of biblical and religious studies at Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania. His authored books include 'Expressive Individualism, and the Road to Sexual Revolution'.
John works part time for Priory Street Baptist Church, York focusing on evangelism and discipleship and also
co-ordinates the youth work. He also works as a training consultant and chairs Young Life
Nola Leach began with CARE in 1997 as Head of Caring Services before her appointment as
Chief Executive in 2006. She is also Head of the Leadership Programme and CARE’s Public Policy
team. Nola
Sylvia Baker is a retired science teacher and former headteacher with 27 years experience in both the state and independent
sectors. In 2010 she was awarded a PhD from the Institute of Education at

ACTION is working with children in crisis in several countries including Brazil, Colombia, Cambodia, Ecuador, Mexico, Philippines, Uganda, Ukraine and Zambia.
David has retired from the pastorate of Milnrow Evangelical Church at the end of 2017.
Ligon, (born 1960), is an American Presbyterian scholar and pastor.
Don Crisp studied English at University College, London, and then obtained a B.D. degree at London Bible College.
He has held pastorates in London and the Midlands and has taught English in secondar
Alan was born in Malasia and now attends South Craven Evangelical Church in Cross Hills, near Keighley
I trained for ordained ministry and served as an assistant minister at a church called St.Andrew the Great in Cambridge, under a fine pastor
called Mark Ashton. That fellowship sent us off in 1997 t
Colin is pastor at Grundisburgh Baptist Chapel, north-east of Ipswich.
Tim Shenton is the head teacher of St Martin’s School and an elder at Lansdowne Baptist Church, Bournemouth. He is married with two
daughters. He has written several books, and researched extensively
Monty White was formerly the Chief Executive of the UK branch of Answers in Genesis.White is a graduate of the University of Wales; he obtained a BSc in Chemistry in 1967 and in 1970 earned his PhD fo
Stephen was born in New Zealand and brought up on a dairy farm in the Waikato. He studied at Carey Baptist College and then received a BD from London University and an MTh from the University of Wales
Malcolm Sunasky is one of the members of Wolverton Evangelical Church who they appointed to reach out to the local community with the gospel.
He does this in a variety of ways, both through informal
Currently Martin and his wife live in Nairobi. He is teaching at what used to be NEGST (Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology)
but is now AIU (Africa International University), which not on
Ian is a member of Lurgan Baptist Church and a former missionary to prisoners in NI.
Revd Mark Loughridge is Pastor of New Life Fellowship and Milford Reformed Presbyterian Churches in Donegal.
An experienced lawyer and a recent convert who attends Chorlton Evangelical Church in Manchester.

<span style="font-weight: 400">A retired electrical engineer, author, and deacon at Marshalswick Baptist Free Church, St. Albans.</span>
Reuben is an itinerant preacher and member of Grace Chapel, Folkestone.

PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge, a reader at Tyndale House, and Director of Biblingo Live.
Mark Looy is the co-founder of the apologetics ministry, Answers in Genesis. His master’s thesis was on the British abolitionist William Wilberforce.
Brett McCracken is a senior editor and director of communications at The Gospel Coalition. He is an author and elder Southlands Church Brea, California.
J.D. Bridges is vice president of global outreach at Ligonier Ministries.
Author, Elder and Managing Editor of The Gospel Coalition. He is in the process of planting a church in Richmond, Virginia. Twitter @MattSmethurst.
Jonathan Gulliford is the Chair of Governors at Immanuel Christian School, Westerleigh, South Gloucestershire and an elder at Grace Church, Yate.
Toby is a student at Durham University studying Philosophy of Religion. He attends Christchurch, Durham.
Chris Hill has been interested in politics from a young age and has been actively involved since 2013. He attends Ashford Community Church in Kent.
Rowina Seidler is a computer science and AI graduate with an MA in religious education. She is a former teacher and current homeschooling mum and is a member of Hambro Road Baptist Church.
Executive vice president for book publishing and publisher for books at Crossway
Victoria is the children and youth worker at Welbeck Road Evangelical Church in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. She previously worked as a Communications Officer at The Christian Institute.
Author and radio speaker for French Africa and Armenia. He lives in France, and blogs at
Dafydd Ifans is a contemporary Welsh language novelist and translator, born in Aberystwyth in Ceredigion, west Wales.
From 1972 until 1975 he served a research assistant at the Department of Manuscri

Rebecca VanDoodewaard is a wife, mother, and author of several books including, Reformation Women: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth.
Ben is an elder in Rehoboth Grace Baptist Church, Broadstairs, Kent and works as a research scientist for a local contract research company.
Barry is a retired headteacher and serves as an elder in Whitby Evangelical Church
Gordon Bull is pastor of Thornton Heath Evangelical Church, Croydon.
Paul James-Griffiths teaches the evangelism course at The Faith Mission Bible College in Edinburgh, as well as at other Bible colleges. He has had over 30 years’ experience in cross-cultural mission a
Jeremy Bailey is pastor of Bethlehem Evangelical Church, Sandfields, Aberavon
Alan Marsden attends Salem Chapel at Martin Top, near Clitheroe, Lancashire
Steven Lawson (BBA Texas Tech University, ThM Dallas Theological Seminary, DMin Reformed Theological Seminary) is a pastor, author of 28 books, and Professor of Preaching at The Master's Seminary, whe
Philip Ryken is the eighth and current president of Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois.
Dr. Ovey studied at Oxford and worked as a parliamentary lawyer before training for the ministry at Ridley Hall, Cambridge.
His first post was as curate at All Saints Crowborough, he later moved to
Andrea works part-time as a medieval historian at Cambridge University and serves on the Council of the Church Society.
Thabiti Anyabwile is a pastor in Washington, DC, an author, and a council member at The Gospel Coalition.
Douglas Higgins is a man of many gifts and many interests: a sculptor and potter, as well as a painter in oil and water-colour; an engineer;
a gardener and a lover of nature in all its forms; a cycl
Lyndon has served as CARE’s Executive Chairman since 1983.
He is an ordained Elim minister and has been involved in many Christian initiatives
over the years, on Boards and Advisory Councils, net
Alexei is a Christian with a Roma background and is concerned to see churches planted amongst the Roma people in Ukraine
Alison has taught Primary French and Spanish at Childs Hill School for 16 years.
Hywel was pastor at Penzance Baptist Church for several years but retired in 2008.
Prospects is a Christian charity in the United Kingdom whose aim is to support learning disabled adults, and to enable them
to reach their full potential. It was founded in the mid-1970s as Cause for
Nathan Eshelman is pastor of Los Angeles Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Dan Walker is an English journalist and television presenter, best known for presenting BBC television programmes including Football Focus (2009–present) and BBC Breakfast (2016–present). He also pres
Aiden Wilson Tozer (April 21, 1897 – May 12, 1963) was an American Christian pastor, preacher, author, magazine editor, and spiritual mentor.
Meirion Thomas has been a pastor at Malpas Road Evangelical Church, Newport for 18 years.
Robert Jeffery was inducted to the pastorate at Central Baptist Church, Walthamstow, in September 2012.
Alan Ralph Millard (born 1 December 1937) is Rankin Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic languages, and Honorary Senior Fellow (Ancient Near East), at the School of Archaeology, Classics a
Hugh Collier has been the pastor of the Baptist church in Great Ellingham for 20 years.
Christopher Idle was ordained in 1965, serving Church of England parishes at Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria; Peckham, South East London;
Poplar and Limehouse, East London; and North Hartismere, Suffolk,
Jim is full time pastor and has been at Ingleton EC since 2010. He is married to Lou and they live in the village not far from
the church. Jim is originally from West Cumbria, and did his training a
The author is founder of Prison Reach Out Ministries (1a Forum Buildings, St James Parade, Bath, BA1 1UG), a non-profit organisation that ministers to prison inmates with the saving and life-changing
Margaret Plant is married to Mike Plant, minister at Honiton Evangelical Congregational Church.
Irving Steggles, MA (Oxon), Pastor of Birchleigh Baptist Church, Kempton Park, South Africa, Chairman of the Board of the London Seminary,
and Director of African Pastors Conferences. Irving trained
Alan M. Travis attends Swarland Evangelical Church in Northumberland
Capernwray Hall is a 19th-century mansion set in 175 acres of parkland, just south of England’s famous Lake District, and west of the rugged crags
of the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Capernwray wa
Brian has been pastoring at Southern View Chapel since 2003. He serves as Associate Pastor and as such serves the church in a
wide range of capacities. He preaches and teaches regularly as well as b
In university he studied law before being called to the ministry in 1984.
He has pastored churches in Swansea,
South Wales, and in Sheffield, South Yorkshire.
Spencer became pastor of Kensit Ev
Wes Johnston currently serves as Senior Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Leeds.

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was a Welsh Protestant minister and medical doctor who was influential in the Reformed wing of the British evangelical movement in the 20th century.
Paul Helm was educated at Worcester College, Oxford. He taught philosophy at the University of Liverpool, and was appointed
to the Chair of the History and Philosophy of Religion, King’s College, Lo
Having taught French, English and Italian for 10 years, he retrained for church ministry over a 4 year period under Ray Evans at Grace Community Church,
Bedford. Married to Jane in 1987 and with the
Malcolm lives and works in Riga, Latvia, seeking to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to the people around. He is associated
with the International Church in Riga where Malcolm is the assistant Pa
After several years in the ministry, Ray is Editorial Director of Goteach Publications and currently serves as an elder in Upton Baptist Church, Chester.

Roger Cook (1941-2016) was a missionary with Grace Baptist Mission, sent by their home church in Hounslow. He also made a great contribution to the development of the radio ministry from GBM.
He was pastor at Mount Road Baptist Church, Hinckley from 1987 to 1994.
Jim Reapsome is a retired pastor, editor and writer in Downers Grove, Illinois, USA.
Pastor Audey Shepard went to Coleman Baptist Church in May 2007 after spending over 28 years in churches in Germany.
Mathew Piercy is a specialist anaesthetist who is also training in intensive care medicine at a prominent teaching hospital in Melbourne, Australia.

Elisabeth Elliot (1926-2015) was a well-known missionary, speaker as well as author. Her first husband, Jim, was killed by the Auca tribe in Ecuador he was seeking to reach with the gospel.

Virtually unknown in his own lifetime, Pink became one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century.
Walter Chantry graduated from Dickinson College in 1960 with a B.A. in History, and went on to receive a B.D. from Westminster Theological Seminary in 1963. That same year he was called to be pastor o
Trinity Baptist Church, Tenterden was formed on 1 September 1967, with Bernard Honeysett as its first pastor.
The church initially met in the Scout Hut, then from August 1969 in the former Free Chur

Lorraine Doggett is a mother of three boys who currently attends Holy Trinity Oswestry in Shropshire and was a member of Stanmore Chapel.
Rob Webb is an aerospace engineer who worked on the Parker Solar Probe.

David VanDrunen is Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics at Westminster Seminary California.

Former professional footballer. Husband, father and Associate Pastor of Calvary Grace Church, Alberta, Canada.
Dr Warren Gage is a seminary professor based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

By Daniel Blanche is a PhD student at Union School of Theology. He blogs at
Todd Alexander is Chief musician at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida.
By Tom Stein is Associate pastor of Chapel Presbyterian Church, Beaver, Pennsylvania.
Founder of ScreenStrong, a non-profit organisation that works with families to eliminate childhood screen dependency.
Professor of Church History, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary. Associate Pastor to Gordon J. Keddie (2008-14).

Dr John Wyatt is Emeritus Professor of Neonatal Paediatrics at UCL and author of multiple books on end-of-life and ethical issues.

President of Reformed Theological Seminary’s campus in Charlotte, North Carolina, where he also serves as professor of New Testament.
Senior pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Michigan.
Editor at Crossway and author of '5 Puritan Women: Portraits of Faith and Love'

Teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and founder, along with Dr RC Sproul, of the Geneva School, a Christian classical school in Winter Park, Florida.
National Director of FIEC and elder at Christ Church, Market Harborough.

Dr. Guy M. Richard is president and associate professor of systematic theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Atlanta.
Having been in ministry for more than 50 years, David is now a retired minister of the Free Church of Scotland.
Pastor of Grace Church Walthamstow, London. Speaker at the African Pastors Conferences and Trustee of Equipping Pastors Worldwide.