Randy Newman

Bringing the gospel home

Bringing the gospel home
Richard Turner Richard is the pastor at Hyde Street Chapel, Winchester.
01 February, 2012 1 min read

Bringing the gospel home
Randy Newman
224, £8.99
ISBN: 978-1-84474-527-2
Star Rating:****

Ecclesiastes 12:12 tells us ‘Of making many books there is no end,’ and this is certainly true of books on evangelism.  However,  Randy Newman has written a book on evangelism which I suspect will not gather dust on the shelf, but will be eagerly read by Christians young and old.  One of the reasons for this is that this book is easy to read!  The thematic chapter titles are engaging and draw you in. E.g Chapter 1, ‘FAMILY- A Beatitude and Yet a Burden.  Chapter 4, ‘LOVE –  Always craved, and Yet Seldom Conveyed.’

The method adopted in each chapter is to begin by giving some biblical background to the themes to be considered, of which there are seven: family, grace, truth. love, humility, time and eternity.  Following this, flesh is put on the bones by analysing real life situations that he has encountered over  many years engaged in evangelism. Each chapter concludes with a few steps that the reader may like to take in the light of the teaching given.

This is not a ‘How to’ book on evangelism, giving various formulae which if followed will bring the desired results.  His aim, he informs us, is to give a ‘richer understanding of biblical truth…a firmer foundation for bold witness and clear communication.’  His hope is that ‘grace will amaze you more than ever… that God’s love will spill into your conversations, gratitude will infuse your prayers, joy will transform your tone of voice.’

If you want to share the gospel faithfully, wisely, compassionately, urgently, then you will find help in these pages.

Richard Turner


Richard is the pastor at Hyde Street Chapel, Winchester.
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