Churchless Afghanistan

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2012 1 min read

The US state department has reported that there are no Christian churches or schools in Afghanistan.

According to a report from Mission network news (MNN), the US state department report on religious freedom indicates there is no Christian church open to the public in Afghanistan and there are no Christian schools.

After nearly a decade of war and occupation in Afghanistan, the Christian influence has been quashed, the report suggested.

Quoted in MNN, Todd Nettleton, spokesman for Christian organisation Voice of the Martyrs, said, ‘Consider whether the church is a building or is God’s people. It is possible that the last church building in Afghanistan has been destroyed, but we know from our contacts that the church as God’s people in Afghanistan is still alive and well’.

That said, in a land where witnessing to neighbours, friends and even family can result in extreme persecution, it is important that we pray for believers in Afghanistan.

ET staff writer
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