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Code of Conduct


  • Our society is fast being deprived of upright, honest and fair reporting from its media. At the same time, it has become open season for any with a grudge to make accusations that will smear others, regardless of the truth.
  • In this context, we want to make it clear that we are committed to Christian values, even as we seek to maintain editorial freedom.
  • No code of conduct, of itself, can guarantee perfect practice or ensure that no mistakes will be made. However, we aspire to keep this code and invite our readers, and those who supply information to us — by press releases or other means — to evaluate our conduct and theirs by the same ethical principles.


We are committed to:

  • Communicating the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ in a spirit of truth and love, without unnecessary and gratuitous polemic.
  • Ensuring, as far as reasonable, that we disseminate accurate information, with fair conclusions.
    Differentiating, as relevant, between facts and their interpretation, and between circumstantial and direct evidence.
  • Unless circumstances make it impossible (for example, public issues where full disclosure of facts cannot be obtained), avoiding the negative characterisation of others based on circumstantial evidence alone.
  • Avoiding language that is demeaning or calculated to stir up prejudice or hatred towards those with whose teaching or practices we disagree.
  • Where appropriate and/or possible, engaging in advance with evangelical persons or organisations being significantly criticised, so as to clarify issues and comment accurately.
  • Encouraging persons or organisations critiqued to exercise a reasonable right of reply (unless this undermines our mission statement).
  • Resisting threats, inducements or bias to influence, distort or suppress information.
  • Reporting on overseas issues, for situations where Christians are being persecuted, in a way that does not place particular Christians in further danger.
  • Avoiding plagiarism, breach of copyright, defamation and other dishonest practices.
  • Seeking the consent of an appropriate adult when including photographic or other material about an identifiable child or vulnerable adult (unless the consent is already covered by another responsible organisation).
  • Making our statement of faith and mission statement accessible to others, so that there is openness concerning our aims, with no hidden agenda.
  • Respecting church discipline and the due process of civil law, where each is conducted in good faith and honesty.