Guest column

Communicating the gospel in person

Communicating the gospel in person
JP Earnest
05 June, 2024 3 min read

In the mid-90’s British Telecom ran a series of TV commercials with the catchphrase, ‘It’s good to talk’. Each advert was aimed at different people – a lonely neighbour, friends drifting apart, distant relatives – all with the same aim of showing the value of a telephone conversation. Obviously, BT had a vested interest! More phone calls, more profits for them! Yet, as Christians, do we not have a vested interest in talking?

The Lord has blessed us with numerous ways of communicating the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ – namely, through gospel preaching (in the pulpit and on the pavement), gospel literature, and gospel conversations. Even without actively seeking the lost, Christians have access to family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, which others may not be able to reach.

It could be that you are the only Christian they know, and so you are providentially and uniquely placed to witness to them – and it all starts with a conversation. We see this in the ministry of the Lord Jesus. It wasn’t always about teaching the multitudes. Our Lord sometimes spoke personally with people.

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