Concerning Cults - The United Church of God

Concerning Cults - The United Church of God
Eryl Davies
Eryl Davies Eryl Davies is an elder at Heath Evangelical Church, Cardiff and is a consulting editor of the Evangelical Magazine.
01 October, 1999 6 min read

The Readers Digest is a monthly magazine with articles of varying quality covering a wide range of subjects and interests.The magazine has a large circulation in Britain and North America, helped by vigorous advertising. Over recent months a new advert has appeared in this magazine on behalf of the United Church of God.

The advert offers a free copy of the church’s own paper called Good News. You have guessed right! It appears that the advertisement has been relatively successful and copies of this religious paper have been requested by a number of Digest readers. And some people are asking the inevitable questions: What is this United Church of God? Is this church a cult?


One important fact to appreciate concerning the United Church of God (UCG) is that it only began in 1996, and then as a breakaway group from the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). While the latter was endeavouring to become more biblical and trinitarian, the United Church of God was formed by a group of WCG members who wanted to pursue certain Old Testament practices. These practices could, in effect, undermine the gospel of grace.

It is estimated that the UCG has 200 members in the UK, served by eight ministers. Some 160 members are located in England in eight churches. There is also one church in Northern Ireland and one in Scotland.

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