
Deceived by feelings

Deceived by feelings
Dr Burk Parsons
Dr Burk Parsons Senior pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and editor of Tabletalk magazine.
03 September, 2024 2 min read

This article was first published in Tabletalk, the Bible study magazine of Ligonier Ministries. Find out more at or try it free for three months today at

When God created us in his image, he gave us the ability to feel and to think. Our capacity to have feelings, desires, and emotions is from God, so our feelings, desires, and emotions are not irrelevant to our humanity. At the same time, God also blessed us with the ability to think, discern, and make decisions.

A problem arises, however, when we confuse thinking and feeling. Many people today do not seem to understand the difference between thinking and feeling. What’s more, many are confused about how to make the right decisions and draw the right conclusions in life.

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