
Does God Care About Me? Psalm 73 on Doubt and Distress in the Christian Life

Does God Care About Me? Psalm 73 on Doubt and Distress in the Christian Life
Fergus Yuille
07 August, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Gordon J. Keddie
Publisher: Scottish Reformed Heritage Publications
94 pages
Purchase from: Amazon (£6.99)

This exposition of Psalm 73 recognises the aptness of the Psalm for Christians today. Like the Psalmist (Asaph), we may observe people who prosper despite lacking integrity, and, like Asaph, we may doubt God’s care. Hence the book title.

Keddie takes the reader through the Psalm phrase by phrase, tracing Asaph’s spiritual journey. The book has a sermonic feel to it as he opens up the text with clear structure to inform, warn, and guide the reader with illustration and application.

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