Ealing prayer ban appealed to Europe

Ealing prayer ban appealed to Europe
Alina Dulgheriu and Daughter
ET staff writer
ET staff writer
19 May, 2020 1 min read

Alina Dulgheriu, the young mother who challenged a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) around an abortion facility in the London Borough of Ealing, has announced she will submit her case to the European Court of Human Rights.

The Supreme Court of the United Kingdom refused permission to appeal in March, leaving the European Court as her last legal option in challenging the PSPO.

Introduced in April 2018, the Order criminalises activities including silent prayer and charitable offers of help.            The young mother had herself received help from pro-life volunteers and argues that the Order violates the fundamental rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.

Explaining her decision to appeal, Alina Dulgheriu said, ‘My little girl is here today because of the practical and emotional support that I was offered outside a Marie Stopes centre, and I brought the appeal to ensure that other women did not have this vital support option removed. It is unthinkable that any council would criminalise an offer to help a woman keep her child.’

Ryan Christopher, Senior Policy Officer for Alliance Defending Freedom International based in London, said, ‘The disproportionate and wide-ranging measure taken by Ealing Council poses a serious threat to freedom of speech, assembly, and religion.

‘It sets a worrying precedent and outlaws even the most compassionate offer of assistance as well as silent prayer. In a free society, the authorities do not simply criminalise speech with which they disagree.

‘Evidence shows that hundreds of women — like Alina — have accepted the help offered by peaceful pro-life groups outside abortion facilities.’

Robert Clarke, Deputy Director of ADF International, said, ‘In the name of protecting “choice”, this censorship zone has actually removed options available to vulnerable women who feel as though they have no choice but to go through with an abortion.

‘By criminalising even the most basic offer of help, Ealing has gone far beyond what is reasonable or proportionate.

‘The European Court of Human Rights has reiterated the importance of guaranteeing freedom of expression, especially where there is disagreement on an issue, and it is clear that Ealing’s censorship zone undermines this freedom without justification.’

ET staff writer
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