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Evangelical Ministry Assembly 2011

Jim Sayers Jim is Communications Director at GBM, and therefore responsible for communications with churches. He edits the Herald Magazine and all other publications, organises deputation among the churche
01 February, 2011 1 min read

Evangelical Ministry Assembly 2011

The Proclamation Trust has announced this year’s Evangelical Ministry Assembly – to be held at St Helen’s Bishopsgate, London, from 22-24 June – on the theme of ‘Preaching that connects: conservative radical ministry’.

The title is taken from The Contemporary Christian by John Stott: ‘How then can we be conservative and radical simultaneously, conservative in guarding God’s revelation and radical in our thoroughgoing application of it? How can we develop a Christian mind which is shaped by the truths of historic, biblical Christianity and acquainted with the realities of the contemporary world?’

Tim Keller, author and senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, will identify what needs to be conserved and how preaching can be both contemporary in application and rooted in orthodox Christianity.

David F. Wells, author and professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, will give us an overview of culture. Liam Goligher, senior minister of Duke Street Church, Richmond, will take our daily Bible readings, and Vaughan Roberts, Rector of St Ebbe’s Church, Oxford, and director of the Proclamation Trust, will bring a short biography and assessment of the ministry of Francis Schaeffer.

Seminars will include – Connecting with atheists; Connecting with women; Connecting with Muslims; and Connecting with children.

Adrian Reynolds, director of ministry at the Proclamation Trust, said, ‘EMA is our flagship conference for those who are called to preach and teach the Bible. Not only do we plan for it to equip those in ministry, but it continues to be a conference for encouragement, refreshment, and making and renewing deep and lasting friendships’.

Jim Sayers

Jim is Communications Director at GBM, and therefore responsible for communications with churches. He edits the Herald Magazine and all other publications, organises deputation among the churche
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