False healings

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2012 1 min read

False healings

A Sky News investigation has discovered that at least six people have died in Britain after being told that they had been healed of HIV by a Charismatic church.
   The news agency sent three undercover reporters into the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), which is based in Southwark, south London, pretending to be HIV-positive. The church told them they could be cured of the HIV demon and were told to stop taking their medication.
   There is also evidence this has been happening across the UK, in sister-churches in London, Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow.
   According to the Sky News reporters, the healing process involves the pastor shouting over the person being healed for the devil to come out of their body, and spraying water in their face.
   One of the pastors told one of the reporters that the church had a ‘100 per cent success rate’ and they could discard their medication after their healing and would be free to start a family.
   Medical professionals told Sky News of at least six patients who have died after being told by various churches to stop taking their HIV tablets.
   Another sufferer, who came off his medication, admitted that he may have passed the virus onto his boyfriend because he was told if he prayed and got forgiveness, the disease would go. The Charity Commission is looking at Sky News’ findings.

ET staff writer
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