
Growth, investment, and challenges at ET

Growth, investment, and challenges at ET
Mike Judge
Mike Judge Mike Judge. Editor of Evangelical Times, and pastor of Chorlton Evangelical Church in Manchester.
15 December, 2022 2 min read

In 2022, ET saw an overall increase in paying subscribers. That’s wonderful news, and a big thank you to all our readers who took out a digital, print, or combined subscription last year. Without such subscriptions, ET couldn’t continue to provide our coverage of news and analysis for evangelicals.

We have invested heavily in improvements to our digital output. This is where we are seeing the biggest growth in our readership. We will continue to invest in this area. Our weekly email newsletter has proved very popular, as well as our social media feeds. But we remain committed to our monthly print edition as the backbone of our work.

We are especially thrilled to see the way our evangelistic Christmas supplement has grown. From a base of around 7,000 copies sold per year, we have rocketed to over 21,000 copies sold this past Christmas. Industry research consistently finds three readers per print edition of a magazine or newspaper, so that’s over 60,000 people reached with testimonies and gospel articles.

We are especially thrilled to see the way our evangelistic Christmas supplement has grown. From a base of around 7,000 copies sold per year, we have rocketed to over 21,000 copies sold this past Christmas.

But the newspaper and magazine sector remains a challenging environment. Fewer people are reading printed editions, with more people getting their news and analysis online. Added to that, the cost of printing and distributing the print edition of ET has increased. The current economic climate is difficult for many people, but it has sadly been necessary to increase the cover price of ET to £2.

That’s still good value for money. At just £2 per month, ET is cheaper than a latte at your favourite high street coffee shop. It’s a small price to pay to keep yourself informed of the latest developments affecting evangelical churches in the UK and beyond.

That’s still good value for money. At just £2 per month, ET is cheaper than a latte at your favourite high street coffee shop.

If you really want to know the cheapest, quickest, easiest way to get yourself a monthly print copy of ET, then you should consider becoming a church agent. All you need is you and at least two friends at your church to subscribe and we will send a batch of ETs to one address for you to distribute at church. Visit: to find out more.

Mike Judge
Mike Judge. Editor of Evangelical Times, and pastor of Chorlton Evangelical Church in Manchester.
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