The sinner who is saved by the grace of God, though he would appear to be the holiest of all saints, is still a sinner, and no one realizes it better than himself. However, the Scriptures state clearly, ‘If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.’ The words of the late C. H. Spurgeon are very true, ‘If your religion has not changed you, I would that you would change your religion; for a religion which does not renew a man’s character and make him holy, which does not change his confidence and make him rest upon Christ alone, a religion which does not make altogether a new man of him from top to bottom is a religion of no value; and the sooner he gives it up the better.’
One of the glorious things which makes true religion (Christianity) so different from other religions, and so unusual and so rare, is that there is no coercion nor manipulation utilized (or necessary!) in making believers be disciples of Christ, in maintaining their continued interest in Christ, or in promoting their faithfulness and obedience to Christ. They despise and are ashamed of all the modern, popular, man-made innovations designed to make believers interested in Christ and his kingdom. THEY ARE NEW CREATURES! The cry of their heart is, ‘Mould me and make me after THY WILL!’