Guest column

Have evangelicals neglected the sacraments?

Have evangelicals neglected the sacraments?
Source: Dreamstime
Robert Letham
Robert Letham Robert is a minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, USA.
11 August, 2024 3 min read

In common with the classic Reformed confessions and catechisms, the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Q. 88, lists the means by which God ‘communicates to us the benefits of redemption’ as ‘his ordinances, especially the Word, the sacraments, and prayer’. 

More was written on the sacraments in the decades following the Reformation than on anything else, not merely in opposition to Rome but also in positive terms. Conservative evangelicalism in the UK, claiming its commonality with the Reformed faith and Puritan teaching, has paid close attention to the Word and prayer; it has generally neglected the sacraments.

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