
Healing that divides: How every Christian can advance God’s vision for racial unity and justice

Healing that divides: How every Christian can advance God’s vision for racial unity and justice
Matthew Seymour
Matthew Seymour Matthew Seymour is an elder and pastor at Emmanuel Church Leamington Spa.
11 January, 2023 2 min read

Author: Jason Roach and Jessamin Birdsall
Publisher: The Good Book Company
176 pages
Purchase from: Amazon (£8.99)

Formulating a biblical response to the sin of racism (partiality) has become a very pressing issue among evangelical Christians. Jason Roach and Jessamin Birdsall seek to offer a vision for ‘racial unity and justice’. Their approach receives strong praise in the book’s commendations and Roach has been invited to speak at the 2023 FIEC Leaders’ Conference entitled Ministry of Justice.

However, because the authors accept some aspects of debated secular frameworks, such as Critical Race Theory, their approach leads to unbiblical conclusions.
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