Jesus Through the Old Testament: Transform your Bible understanding

Jesus Through the Old Testament: Transform your Bible understanding
James Chittenden James is assistant to the pastor at Tollgate Evangelical Church in Redhill, Surrey.
24 September, 2018 1 min read

The whole Bible presents Jesus, but do we always perceive him? Graeme sets out to help Christians see the centrality of Jesus to the Old Testament (OT). The book is in two halves, the first covering how to see Jesus in Scripture’s bigger picture, while the second provides more practical application.

The first few chapters are spent setting out the plan of the Bible, assuring readers that the Old and New Testaments form one book, not two. We are reminded how Jesus and the apostles viewed the Scriptures. It is good to remember that the whole Bible is profitable and that Jesus can be seen throughout.

Goldsworthy then sets out the progression of the OT, showing how God unfolded his plan for salvation and eternity. Here he uses some diagrams, with varying degrees of usefulness, to illustrate the amount of revelation at any one point in history and how it relates to Jesus.

The central themes of the Bible are also considered, especially the kingdom of God and how Jesus is going to fulfil it. It concludes with a chapter on Jesus being the fulfilment of everything in the OT, which at times is a little hard going compared with the rest of the book. Chapters in this section feel a little jumpy, covering broad topics in a brief space. Section one helps to show how Jesus was written about in the OT, even if it was not explicit.

The second half of the book surveys different OT genres to find links to Jesus. This is a very practical section and would be helpful for all readers, especially those who teach others. The chapters include helpful pointers and things to avoid when looking for Christ. Examples are given of truly identifying Christ in the OT. The final chapter outlines some principles we could all use for personal Bible study.

If you are seeking a book to help you find glimpses of Jesus through the OT, then there are alternative titles that do it a little better. However, this book will encourage you to do it for yourself and be the richer for it.

James Chittenden


James is assistant to the pastor at Tollgate Evangelical Church in Redhill, Surrey.
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