Man To Man… about God

Man To Man… about God
Man To Man
James Day
01 January, 2009 1 min read

This book has been written by men specifically for men, with the intention of making them think seriously about Jesus Christ and his claims. It seeks to set out the evidence for faith in Christ simply and concisely, and to answer life’s big questions by pointing men to Christ. The book has a strongly evangelistic emphasis throughout.

Each of the nine short chapters is written by a different author, including Rico Tice, Roger Carswell, and Richard Coekin.  Each chapter presumes that the Bible is God’s word to us and has a supremely relevant message for men everywhere.

Attention is drawn to the typical 21st century male’s obsessions, such as our work, our wealth, our bodies and our relationships. These are exposed as being ultimately unsatisfying and meaningless as ends in themselves. The writers then move on to emphasise the need of coming to a personal faith in the proper man, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Saviour.

Although Christian men (and women) would undoubtedly benefit from reading this book, it has really been designed to be given away to non-Christian friends or workmates who may be showing some interest in the gospel.

With chapter titles such as ‘Empty pleasures’ and ‘How to be a real man’, the book is written in a jargon-free, easy-to-follow style that makes it appropriate for the unchurched and should get them thinking seriously about the Christian faith. This book is definitely worth buying — but only if you’re going to give it away!

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