Missionary Spotlight-Spanish Christian literature

Demetrio Moreno
01 July, 2005 2 min read

Editorial Peregrino (Pilgrim Press) is a Reformed publishing house based in Spain that publishes and distributes sound Christian literature in Spain and the Spanish-speaking world, including the Americas.

The main promoter of this work was the late Bill Clark, who through Evangelical Press and other agencies provided the financial means and expertise necessary to start the venture.

In 1979 Editorial Peregrino was legally registered in Spain as a limited company and until 1990 it functioned as the Spanish branch of Evangelical Press, publishing 24 titles during that period of time.


After 1990 Editorial Peregrino became an independent publisher. With the help of various individuals and churches we were able to publish 14 new titles up to 1998. From then on, aided by new sponsors, the work received a new impetus, and to date we have published 100 titles. The increased volume of our production made it necessary to purchase a second warehouse two years ago.

We depend for our continued existence not only on subsidies but also on our sales to Latin America.

There are 400 million Spanish-speaking people in the world and this offers us a great opportunity to export our books. So about half our books go to the many Spanish-speaking people in America, where our distributors are working hard to introduce our books to bookshops and churches.

At the present time the work is led by a board of directors, aided by an editorial committee. Six translators and editors work for Editorial Peregrino, with one part-time worker in the office and myself as the manager and editor of the company.

We also publish three magazines – one bimonthly evangelistic paper (El Heraldo), a quarterly theological magazine (Nueva Reforma) and another quarterly magazine (Selecciones Literarias) that includes book reviews and a catalogue.


Apart from a couple of Christian books originally written in Spanish, most of our titles are translated from English. Our authors include such well-known names as D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, J. C. Ryle, C. H. Spurgeon, John Blanchard, Sinclair Ferguson, John Benton and Bob Sheehan.

We publish titles faithful to historical Christianity and especially intended for the spiritual upbuilding of God’s people. They include the Welwyn Commentaries series, Expository Thoughts on the Gospelsby J.C. Ryle (seven volumes), and the Great Doctrines series by Dr Lloyd-Jones (three volumes).

We publish for all sorts of Christians, with an emphasis on the application of the gospel to Christian living. We are also concerned with evangelism, so have published such excellent evangelistic books as Ultimate questions, Around the wicket gateand Looking for the answer.

Living in countries where Evangelicals are a small minority, we are conscious of the need to produce shorter materials that can be used to reach the lost. So in the last four years we have engaged in the production of quality tracts particularly in co-operation with the Scottish publisher TELit.

Matthew Henry

So far we have printed nearly one million tracts and are encouraged to see how many churches and individuals in Spain are buying thousands of these.

We look forward to our future publishing programme with the Lord’s help. We plan to bring out more titles by Dr Lloyd-Jones, J. C. Ryle, Spurgeon and others. Also we are considering publishing Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the whole Biblecomplete and unabridged. There is a great need for this particular work in Spanish, as only abridgements or (what is worse) corrupt versions have been published so far.

We desire to offer this monumental work to the Spanish-speaking world in all its purity, power and biblical authority. We hope that with the help of friends and ETreaders who love Matthew Henry’s commentary this great work will soon be a reality.

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