News – Britons fear death

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2009 1 min read

Britons fear death

Half of all people in the UK admit to fearing death, according to a survey commissioned by theology think-tank Theos.

Research carried out by ComRes of more than 1000 UK adults revealed that 20 per cent are afraid both of death and of the way they may die, while a further 30 per cent do not fear death, but the manner of it. Only 25 per cent claimed they feared neither.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the 18-24 year-olds were those who feared both most, while 42 per cent of those over the age of 65 said their religious beliefs helped them face the death of loved ones and of themselves.

Overall, 37 per cent of those surveyed said that they would like a Christian funeral, although most people admit to having taken no thought for their funeral arrangements.

Director of Theos Paul Woolley said: ‘The fact that we are fearful of dying suggests we need to discuss it’. Yet the Bible tells us that the Christian who dies in Christ does not need to fear; he or she will be ‘present with the Lord’.

ET staff writer
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