News – Christian Party advert OK

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 May, 2009 1 min read

Christian Party advert OK

The advertising watchdog will not investigate a controversial campaign for the Christian Party that says ‘There is definitely a God’, despite it becoming one of the most criticised adverts ever. The advert, displayed on London buses, is a response to the British Humanist Association’s (BHA’s) original campaign that proclaimed: ‘There’s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life’.

Figures from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) show that the Christian Party version has so far attracted 1,045 complaints – and rising – making it the fourth most complained about advert since the ASA’s records began. The BHA’s ‘There is probably no God’ campaign only generated 326 complaints, not all of them from Christians.

According to the Daily Telegraph, the organisation says it cannot investigate the poster because it is deemed to be ‘electioneering material’ and falls outside the remit of its codes of practice. In January it also concluded the humanist campaign did not breach current advertising codes and did not require investigation.

ET staff writer
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