News – Christian upsets watchdog

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2009 0 min read

Christian upsets watchdog

The head of Britain’s equality watchdog appears to regret appointing an evangelical Christian as an equality commissioner – because it upset gay and atheist campaigners.

Trevor Phillips, chairman of the Equality and Human Rights Commission, was asked about the appointment of Rev. Joel Edwards during a question and answer session at a conference called ‘Faith, homophobia, transphobia and human rights’.

Mr Phillips is reported to have answered that had he known at the time of the appointment how deeply people had been hurt and alienated over this, maybe there would have been a different outcome. Rev. Edwards was formerly leader of the Evangelical Alliance (EA).

Mr Phillips’ response is likely to intensify fears among faith groups that the Commission regards religious rights as less important than others.

ET staff writer
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