News – Cromer carnival outreach

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
30 September, 2007 1 min read

Cromer carnival outreachOver 14-16 August, friends from near and far gathered at Cromer Baptist Church in Norfolk to support an evangelistic outreach during the town’s carnival week. This is an annual witness commenced some years ago by Pastor Howard Spencer, who recently went to be with the Lord.Each day began with a devotional prayer meeting and messages, from Acts 18:9-10; Ezekiel 2:3-8; and 2 Corinthians 4:5. These were followed by morning tracting among the crowds while the church remained open for free refreshments, Christian literature and an opportunity to drop in and chat.Each afternoon, following a buffet lunch laid on by the ladies of the church, an open-air service was held on the promenade, with hymn singing and gospel preaching. This year the speakers were Michael Harley, Hugh Collier, John Smith, Stuart Flynn and Matthew Pickhaver. On the final evening, Matthew Pickhaver gave an illustrated presentation in the church on ‘William Wilberforce – friend of slaves’.In spite of the changeable forecast, the weather stayed dry for the open airs and the number of people listening was encouraging. These included a group of teenagers, who began to mock but then joined in the singing; and others who stayed to listen through an entire service. Numbers dropping into the church were considerable – 50-60 one morning. Some excellent conversations were held. A few folk responded to the invitation to the Thursday night rally, and there were encouragements from Christians, including from a converted Muslim.We rejoice in this opportunity for evangelism and fellowship. Plan to join us 19-21 August 2008, and pray it would please the Lord to reap a harvest of souls. ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit saith the Lord of hosts’.

ET staff writer
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