News – Derby, Darwin and dinosaurs!

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

Derby, Darwin and dinosaurs!

The weekend of 13-15 November was an exciting time for the members of Castlefields Church in Derby. Seizing the opportunity of the 2009 Darwin anniversaries, the church hired the prestigious ‘Darwin Suite’ in the city centre as a venue to host their creation outreach weekend.

The room is actually dedicated to Erasmus, the grandfather of Charles Darwin, and provided an interesting talking point in getting people coming to the meetings! Nearly 200 attended the event, with many being non-Christian friends of church members and visitors from other churches in the area.

The main speakers were Paul Garner and Dr Steve Lloyd of Biblical Creation Ministries. A varied programme of talks on creation subjects was presented including a searching analysis of spiritual lessons that can be drawn from the life of Charles Darwin.

Paul Garner showed how God was ‘pursuing’ Darwin all through his life by placing Christians in his path and bringing Scripture to bear upon his thinking.

A serious challenge was posed to those listening not to turn away from God’s free grace, as Darwin did, but to seek Christ as Saviour.

It was encouraging to see free evangelistic literature being taken away and many books and DVDs on creation being purchased. The church is looking to the Lord to bring lasting fruit from the event and to bless this endeavour for his glory.

ET staff writer
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