News – Digital risk to teens

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2009 0 min read

Digital risk to teens

Pre-teenage girls are susceptible to sexual imagery in a far greater way than many parents realise, according to Christian social think-tank the Jubilee Centre.

At a recent seminar, leading Australian author and women’s advocate Melinda Tankard Reist warned parents that up to one in five teenagers are exchanging nude and semi-nude photos of themselves via mobile phones or online.

She said that provocative dolls and promiscuous pop-star culture was having a detrimental effect on young girls and claimed: ‘Sexualisation contributes to exploitation and violence. It puts girls in danger’.

Speaking at a seminar sponsored by Jubilee Centre’s Fair Sex Movement, Tankard Reist told parents and other attendees: ‘The messages delivered by a culture obsessed with body image and sex … promote a hollow understanding of intimacy’.

ET staff writer
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