News – Eastwood Road Evangelical Church, Rayleigh

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2008 1 min read

Eastwood Road Evangelical Church, Rayleigh

On Saturday 10 May, Christians from all over south Essex gathered at Eastwood Road Evangelical Church, Rayleigh, for the 85th anniversary of the church building.

Although the chapel was built in 1923, the origins of the fellowship go back to 1891, when the Peculiar People (now called the Union of Evangelical Churches (UEC) – a constituent member of Affinity) began a meeting in a room over a shop in the High Street.

In 1898 a chapel was built in Bellingham Lane in the town. In the providence of God the work grew and the present building was erected. The church remains in the UEC, affiliated to the FIEC since 1992.

The church’s pastor, Andrew Mumford, chaired the meeting and Malcolm Laver, former General Secretary of FIEC, preached from 1 Peter 2 on the nature and responsibilities of the church.

Church secretary Harold Fossey gave a short history of the work and recent developments. The director of Home Evangelism, Trevor Dickerson, gave an update on its work including how it was changing its name to ‘Outreach UK’. He then led in prayer. The church at Eastwood Road benefits from Trevor’s help in leafleting and door knocking on a regular basis.

The meeting concluded with the hymn ‘Glorious things of thee are spoken’, after which all enjoyed a buffet tea. The church look to the Lord for the growth which only he can give. There is need for a treasurer, organist, and more younger families, ‘to strengthen our hands in the work’ (Ezra 6:22).

ET staff writer
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