News – Fit for a King

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2009 1 min read

Fit for a King

The Royal Show is in its last year, as the Royal Agricultural Society of England (RASE) cannot afford to keep the show going at its Warwickshire site.

However, witnessing for the King of kings has been strong at the Royal Show since 1971, right up to the end. The organisers of the Christian witness have spoken to about 1,000 people each year, sometimes substantially more. Roughly 75 per cent of these have never spoken to a Christian or heard the gospel. Nearly 20 churches have been involved with the witnessing.

Everyone entering the marquee is offered hospitality (tea, coffee, soft drinks) and is spoken to by one of the team. Everyone receives at least one item of Christian literature. The organisers have written a new tract each year for use at the show. There is also a selection of good Christian books which are given to visitors by team members, if it seems relevant to their conversation.

For many years, the team has held a training day of lectures in the springtime. Various visiting speakers have dealt with a variety of subjects.

Mr Murray Nash said: ‘We are glad that we have been able to work right up to the end. There had been an attempt by an exhibition contractor to get rid of us, but we rode that particular storm and have enjoyed a generally excellent relationship with the RASE over the years’.

Editor’s note: since compiling this report Murray Nash, who served the Lord so faithfully in this work, went to be with the Lord. Our prayers are with his widow and family.

ET staff writer
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