News – Green light

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 May, 2010 1 min read

Green light

Adverts for condoms, which target teenagers and are shown on daytime TV, are giving children the green light to be sexually active.

According to pro-life charity LIFE, allowing such commercials to be shown before the watershed and targeting teenagers is sending the wrong signals to children.

In a statement, a LIFE spokesperson said: ‘The new UK Advertising code on condoms follows advice from the Government’s Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health, which claims that greater access to condoms will reduce teen pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

‘This advertising is aimed directly at children. Children should not be having sex, full stop. To bombard them with information claiming they can do so “safely” is wrong. Children’s innocence should be protected’.

LIFE has claimed that the Government is giving up on children in the UK, focusing just on the outcomes such as unwanted pregnancies or STIs, rather than addressing the central issue – the ‘sexualisation of children’.

The Presbyterian Magazine of Australia has published its recent quarterly focusing on this subject. The issue’s theme is how Christians are living in a ‘pornified world’ (

ET staff writer
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