News – Haiti disaster

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 February, 2010 0 min read

Haiti disaster

Shortly before ET went to print, news broke of a powerful earthquake in Haiti with its epicentre near the capital, Port au Prince. Latest estimates are that 3 million people have been affected and well over 100,000 killed.

The 7.0 Richter quake lasted well over half a minute. Many were injured as poorly built dwellings were flattened, with the president’s palace and local UN building not spared. The island’s already rickety infrastructure has been devastated.

A major relief effort is under way. Christian organisations involved include HCJB Global Hands, MAF, Samaritan’s Purse, Siloam Christian Ministries and Tearfund. ET readers are asked to remember the people of Haiti, and fellow-believers there, in their prayers.

ET staff writer
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