News – Home Office ignores convert

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

Home Office ignores convert

An Iranian man who converted to Christianity is set to be deported from the UK, according to press reports. The unnamed man, who is being called ‘Amir’, is an illegal immigrant. He was converted at a church in the north of England.

He has appealed against being deported to Afghanistan, claiming that if he returns as a Christian, he will be persecuted – possibly even arrested, and certainly rejected by his family.

However, the Home Office response has displayed little awareness of the scale of persecution of Christians around the world (estimated by Release International at 200 million under persecution).

The Home Office told the man that he would be alright ‘if he kept his head down’. The comments have infuriated Christian groups across the UK. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali said: ‘It seems clear that, if he is deported, he will face interrogation, arrest and possible imprisonment in Iran simply because he is a Christian.

‘I appeal to the Home Office to allow Amir to remain free and to continue living in safety in this country’.

ET staff writer
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