News – Labour ‘spins’ again

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 April, 2008 1 min read

Labour ‘spins’ again

The Government has confirmed that 16 huge new casinos are expected to open in locations across the country. The casinos – dubbed ‘gambling palaces’ – are likely to exceed any casino currently operating in the UK, though they will fall into new size categories labelled ‘small’ and ‘large’.

Campaigners welcomed the rejection of plans for an even bigger Las Vegas style ‘super-casino’, but remain concerned that bringing huge gambling venues into deprived areas will have damaging consequences. This fresh move makes previous high-sounding governmental statements about super-casinos seem so much ‘spin’.

Mike Judge of The Christian Institute said: ‘Gambling clearly exploits those on the lowest income and pushes them nearer the brink of poverty, crime and addiction.

‘The Government says these casinos will regenerate communities. I’m sure there are better ways of regenerating communities than encouraging people to waste their money in slot machines’.

ET staff writer
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