News – Ladies’ day at Thornton Heath

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 August, 2010 1 min read

Ladies’ day at Thornton Heath

The eighth annual Thornton Heath ladies’ day, held at Thornton Heath Evangelical Church, Surrey, on 19 June, drew 135 from 15 churches, as far afield as Portsmouth, to hear the Word of God preached by Pilar Cano of EMF.

The theme of the day was how to renew our minds and live according to God’s Word, with an evangelistic message also to those who were not saved, to encourage them to make Christ Lord of their lives.

Mrs Cano, who, together with her husband Luis, has been involved in church planting and evangelism in Spain for nearly 20 years, gave a moving testimony of her own conversion from a strict Catholic family, followed by an inspiring exposition of Philippians 4:4-9.

Taking verse 8 of that chapter as her text for the morning session, Mrs Cano encouraged the ladies present to ‘furnish our minds’ with the right-thinking outlined by Paul in his letter to the church at Philippi.

ET staff writer
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