News – New pastor for Emmanuel, Newport

Ian Davies
01 May, 2010 1 min read

New pastor for Emmanuel, Newport

The induction service for Rev. Bernard Lewis to the pastorate of Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Newport, took place on Saturday 27 February.

The chapel was full to overflowing, with many having travelled from all parts of the UK to share this important event. The chairman was Trevor McMillen, an elder of the church.

The history of Mr Lewis’ call was given by another elder, Ian Davies. In this, Rev. Lewis’s long association with Emmanuel was outlined, beginning with his student days at the London Theological Seminary from 1981-1983, during which time he was taught by Mr Harrison, our recently retired minister.

Since then, he has preached in our church many times; there was always a positive response from the membership and a blessing received from God’s Word.

Peter Milsom took part in the service as a representative both of the Associating Evangelical Churches of Wales and of the UFM, with whom Bernard was a missionary in Papua New Guinea.

He commended Bernard to us, recognising his past service and looking forward to his new service as minister of Emmanuel. Mr Lewis confirmed his call to be minister and spoke of his acceptance of the great biblical truths and commitment to the centrality of the gospel.

Emmanuel’s church members were asked to stand to signify their part in calling Mr Lewis, and to promise to support and pray for him. His wife, Linda, was brought into membership, after which Trevor McMillen prayed for them both in this new ministry.

Rev. Dr Stuart Olyott preached on Psalm 67, challenging the church to look forward, to God’s blessings on our fellowship: ‘God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause his face to shine upon us’.

Rev. Lewis concluded the meeting with the benediction, after which there followed a time of fellowship and buffet tea. We can certainly praise the Lord for this provision. We are thankful for God’s goodness as we look to him for guidance and blessing in the coming days.

Ian Davies

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