News – New pastor for North Curry

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2008 1 min read

New pastor for North Curry

It was a joyful day on Saturday 27 October. The presence of the Lord was felt at North Curry Independent Baptist Church, near Taunton in Somerset, where 100 people gathered for the induction of Rev. Cyril Aston.

Peter Robinson, pastor of Honiton Evangelical Congregational Church, chaired the meeting. He introduced Cyril and his wife Liz and explained how Cyril had been his predecessor at Honiton, before becoming the South Area Co-ordinator for the Evangelical Fellowship of Congregational Churches (EFCC).

Robert Kelly, church secretary, gave the history of the call. Cyril responded by outlining God’s leading in his life and declaring his commitment to the church. He will function as part-time pastor, while continuing with EFCC work.

This was followed by the induction with the laying on of hands by Peter Robinson, Bill Dyer, Ray Nye, Roland Fidge and Keith Foxwell. Keith then extended the right hand of fellowship to Cyril and Liz and presented a Bible as a gift of welcome on behalf of the church membership.

The charge to the church and minister was given by Bill Dyer, who has recently retired after forty years as pastor of Pontefract Evangelical Congregational Church. Bill preached passionately on Psalm 11, imploring all present to hold fast to gospel preaching.

It was a spiritually uplifting service; and was followed by a sumptuous buffet meal and excellent fellowship together.

ET staff writer
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