News – Scarborough’s spiritual desert

Laurence and Hannah Jones
01 June, 2009 1 min read

Scarborough’s spiritual desert

It may be a bustling town, but Scarborough is spiritually starving, with many empty and disused church buildings in its busy streets.

With its population of 50,000, Scarborough is the largest holiday town on Yorkshire’s east coast, but despite this huge harvest field, it has no reformed evangelical church.

In years gone by, Scarborough has been blessed with numerous churches. But many of these are closed, converted into flats or coffee shops, or left abandoned. The old Bethel mission house with its perfect position on the sea front is now a classy, modern cafe – a lost opportunity for the gospel of Jesus Christ to reach the fishermen and tourists.

For the past two years, Laurence and Hannah Jones have been holding a Bible study in their home, which is in a residential area on the north side of Scarborough. They have a core group of five who meet together each week to study God’s Word. Several others join with them less regularly. Some are unbelievers, some new believers and others more established in the faith.

It is their desire to see a Bible-believing, evangelical church established in this area. This summer, they hope to hold a series of outreach services on a Sunday afternoon. They covet your prayers for this venture and greatly desire that others would catch the vision for this vast harvest field.

Please pray with them that the Lord of the harvest would rain a blessing down on the lost people of this town and get all the glory due to his name. For further information, visit:

Laurence and Hannah Jones

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