News – Street preacher to sue

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 July, 2010 0 min read

Street preacher to sue

Street preacher Dale Mcalpine has been granted the right to take his case against the Cumbria police to the European Court of Human Rights, claiming wrongful arrest, unlawful imprisonment, and interference with his right to free speech and religious liberty.

Supported by the Christian Institute’s legal defence fund, Mr Mcalpine has said that his expression of religion was curtailed by an over-zealous police officer who drummed up charges to get him taken away after he answered a woman heckler who asked him about the Bible’s view on sin.

After his arrest in April, even gay rights campaigner Peter Tatchell, founder of Stonewall, condemned the actions of the police, stating that freedom of belief was an important right in the UK.

ET staff writer
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