News – Teesside ladies’ day

Rachael Fay
01 May, 2009 1 min read

Teesside ladies’ day

Saturday 7 March saw 92 ladies from 17 churches in the north-east of England meet at Geneva Road Evangelical Baptist Church, Darlington. The speaker was Faith Cook from Derbyshire.

In the first session Mrs Cook spoke on God’s ‘second chances’, illustrated by various Bible characters. One lesson that emerged was the need for us to have a broken and contrite spirit, since the Lord forgives us so much.

In the second session, she spoke on Isabella Graham, who despite the tragedies and failures in her life set up a poor girls’ school in Edinburgh and New York and later a widows’ society in America.

Isabella copied out hymns, passages of Scripture and other writings and composed a book called a Book of promises against the crossing of Jordan. Mrs Cook challenged us to make our own ‘book of promises’.

In the afternoon, Faith spoke on three well-known hymn writers – Charlotte Elliott, James Montgomery and Joseph Hart. We sang some of their hymns during this session.

The last meeting was a group discussion, examining seven challenging questions that Faith Cook had submitted.

As well as being an edifying day full of spiritual food, we were waitered by a team of men from the church, who did an excellent job. Money received during the day was shared between Caring for Life and London Theology Seminary.

It was a time of rich ministry and good fellowship, to encourage us on our spiritual pilgrimage.

Rachael Fay

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