News – Truth4Youth

James Stafford
01 January, 2010 1 min read


February 2010 will bring the 6th year of the Truth4Youth conference at the Heatree Conference Centre in Devon, for young people with a concern for biblical Christianity.

Truth4Youth grew out of concern over the liberal and charismatic fad movements of the 1990s, affecting many evangelical churches and leaving little sound teaching for the teenagers of Christian parents.

Starting with a mother’s concern for her teenage son, the vision was taken up by two families to start a conference for their children and others to receive sound and challenging teaching in an encouraging atmosphere (Jude 3).

Truth4Youth has grown to attract people from across the country, and many have greatly benefitted from teaching by speakers like Jobe Martin, presenter of the Incredible creatures that defy evolution DVDs; Tom McMahon from the Berean Call; Roger Oakland from Understanding the Times; Arnold Fruchtenbaum of Ariel Ministries; Paul Taylor from Answers in Genesis; Jay Smith, an expert on Islam and co-author of 101 Cleared-up contradictions in the Bible; Doug Harris of the Reachout Trust; Vij Sodera, author of One small speck; and others besides.

‘We’ve seen youth conferences which weren’t based on, and didn’t bring out, the incredible wealth of the Bible’, says Graham Gee, an organiser. ‘But that has been our focus. Our desire has always been to engage all who attend the conferences with the truth of God’s Word.

‘The conferences don’t consist of positive thinking messages and emotional music, as some do. We simply want young people to be challenged to live out a real and biblical faith’. As well as encouraging firm foundations for faith, a further remit has been to address current issues – from the emergent church, to the creep of Islam.

So far, Tim Palmer from New Tribes Mission and Justin Peters (USA) are booked to speak at the 12-15 February Truth4Youth conference. More information from:

James Stafford

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