News – Who made God?

ET staff writer
ET staff writer
01 January, 2010 1 min read

Who made God?

Who made God? by ET’s former editor and chairman Professor Edgar Andrews is already creating waves. A decisive riposte to the New Atheism, the book (EP Books; hardback, £9.95; ISBN: 978-0-85234-707-2) is a bestseller in most UK Christian bookshops and is going in the same direction in the USA.

A reprint was required only a few weeks after release (and plenty were printed first time round!). It has, at the time of writing, reached number one spot in its category on Amazon. It is also being featured in Pastor John MacArthur’s church in California, as well as in the largest Christian bookstore chain in Australia, and many other places and organisations.

In recent weeks, numerous reviews and positive comments have been received from people as diverse as John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, and popular author Bill Bryson.

Reformed Christian blogger Tim Challies says that it is ‘a powerful book and one that is exceptionally well-written. Who made God? is just the book I’ve been waiting for.

‘It aptly refutes the claims of the new atheists, but does so without giving away the farm in the meantime. And I couldn’t ask for much more than that’ (

Now the emphasis, EP marketing and sales manager David Woollin says, is switching to focused marketing outside the Christian marketplace – to secular bookshops, newspapers, and a few dozen major train stations. Expect a backlash!

ET staff writer
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