
Nigeria – ‘With Kingdom Hope unfurled’

Nigeria – ‘With Kingdom Hope unfurled’
Nigerian Pastors
’Wale Akinrogunde Pastor of Grace Church Walthamstow, London. Speaker at the African Pastors Conferences and Trustee of Equipping Pastors Worldwide.
10 September, 2024 8 min read

Following recent ministry in Nigeria, ’Wale Akinrogunde (Pastor of Grace Church Walthamstow, London) surveys the spiritual scene in the country of his birth.

The Nigerian landscape is slowly seeing the growth of biblical Christianity. I have been speaking with a brother who is the pastor of a Reformed church, and our regular conversations are a microcosm of what’s generally happening. The internet has opened the doors to many Nigerians to listen to and watch many pastors abroad who are preaching Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. The ‘9 Marks of a Healthy Church’ series is adjudged to be instrumental to the growth of these churches. 

On my recent visit, I saw the Lord providing brothers to teach, churches to release them, and organisations to support. With churches impacted from the North Central to Lagos and to the South-South and South-East, it points in the direction that something big is really happening in Nigeria. In other words, the gospel is thriving. But you’d only need to take a step back and it will dawn on you that what I have been trying to do with other brothers in Nigeria is just a tiny drop in the ocean populated by the ecosystem of false teaching! The Nigerian landscape is awash with many false teaching gatherings but with only a handful of evangelical Reformed churches. 

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