Opening up 1 Chronicles and Opening up 2 Chronicles

Opening up 1 Chronicles and Opening up 2 Chronicles
Michael Bentley Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
01 March, 2012 2 min read
Opening up 1 Chronicles

Andrew Thomson
Day One Publications
128, £5.00
ISBN: 978-1-84625-289-1
Star Rating: 3

Also 2 Chronicles 128 pages, 84625-290-7

Unless we are experts in the Old Testament I suspect that we tend to bypass the books of the Chronicles.  After all they are buried about a third of the way into the Old Testament, sandwiched between the two books of Kings and Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther.  Andrew Thompson shows us how they fit into God’s plan.

The Chronicles were written as one book and appear at the close of the Hebrew Scriptures.  They were written to encourage the Exiles as they returned from Babylonian captivity.

Both books have instructive timelines, outlines and clear background information.  In addition the book on 2 Chronicles has an instructive chart depicting the Kings of Judah (p.6). These books would make a good starting place for any Christian who wants to delve deeper into this period of Israel’s history.

Andrew’s commentary on I Chronicles divides the 19 Bible chapters into twelve of his own.  He tells us that the Chronicler ‘gives us a satellite perspective of the Old Testament story’ as ‘the writer wants us to learn the big lessons from God’s dealing with Israel.’ (p.13-14).

In his commentary on 2 Chronicles Andrew takes us smoothly through the period when Solomon put into action David’s plans for the Temple and it then examines the Kingdom of Judah with its  ‘good’ and ‘bad’ kings.

Both of these books are very easy to read and understand.  They are filled with relevant quotations from both contemporary sources and writers of past ages.  They continually point us forward to the Lord Jesus Christ and remind us of our responsibilities as God’s people.

I like the way Day One’s ‘Opening Up’ series highlights blocks of text throughout each volume.  E.g. in 1 Chronicles we read, ‘Chronicles wants to warn us, as well as encourage us.  The Lord is equally faithful to his warnings and to his promises’ (p.25).  And in 2 Chronicles we read, ‘When God’s promises appear to hang by a thread, you can be sure that the thread will hold’ (p.70).

These books are faithful to the Bible text and briefly open up a rather unknown part of God’s word. I commend them to readers old and young.

Michael Bentley. Retired evangelical pastor, Bracknell, Berkshire

Michael, aged 76, is a retired Baptist minister, chairman of the Bracknell Forest Society and author of 16 books.
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