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Rewriting Gender?: You, Your Family, Transgenderism and the Gospel

Rewriting Gender?: You, Your Family, Transgenderism and the Gospel
Norman Wells Norman is currently the Director of the Family Education Trust.
23 July, 2019 2 min read

Over a very short space of time, gender identity has become a major issue in the worlds of politics, healthcare, education and the media. It is not going to go away and the often subtle influence of the transgender agenda is so pervasive that none of us can escape it—not even the youngest of our children. Increasingly, sexual confusion is being encountered in primary school classrooms and there is no sign that the situation is going to improve anytime soon.

David Martin has written this book to assist the parents of young children in the task of helping their children understand the world they live in and equip them to remain true to a biblical worldview with compassion and without compromise.

Each chapter takes the form of a letter from the author to one of his four children, all aged under 10. The chapters are therefore short, written in simple language, and focus on one main point. Each chapter concludes with a list of Bible references that lie behind the contents of the letter, suggested conversation starters and a prayer.

Martin writes that he has sought to ‘follow the overarching storyline of the Bible in an attempt to make it clear that transgenderism is a symptom of a far deeper problem that only Jesus can heal’ (p.12). Topics covered include God’s design in creation, the Fall, the authority of Scripture, God’s interest in the heart rather than outward appearance, the uniqueness of Christ, substitutionary atonement and the cost of Christian discipleship.

In a concluding chapter, the author summarises his main message in four points he shared with his children in a short conversation during a car journey:

(i) We must recognise that there are different types of people in the world. God made them all and loves them all.

(ii) We must treat everyone as the Lord Jesus would, being kind, welcoming and warm in our actions and words.

(iii) We cannot agree with everyone as to how they want to live.

(iv) None of us will ever understand who we really are until we see Jesus for who he really is.

Other books provide a more thorough biblical and theological critique and analysis of the transgender agenda, but for parents looking to get a handle on how they can broach this issue with young children and inoculate them against its pernicious influence, this title is a most valuable resource.

Norman Wells


Norman is currently the Director of the Family Education Trust.
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