06 (June 2014)

Sovereign Service — the story of SASRA 1838–2013

Sovereign Service — the story of SASRA 1838–2013
Roger Fay
Roger Fay Elder at Zion Evangelical Baptist Church, Ripon, North Yorkshire. Chairman and former editor of ET.
31 May, 2014 1 min read

Sovereign service — the story of SASRA 1838–2013
Brigadier Ian Dobbie
Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association, 172 pages; £5.00
ISBN: 0-9512486-0-X
Star Rating : 4

This is the second edition of Brigadier Dobbie’s history of SASRA, first published in 1988 and now updated in time for SASRA’s 175thanniversary. The first edition foreword (also included in this edition) was written by John Pollock and the second edition foreword by General Lord Dannatt.

As a grandson of Lt General Sir William Dobbie — Governor of Malta during World War 2 and president of SASRA from 1950

–1967 — the author is well placed to write his appreciation of SASRA and the organisation’s accomplishments.

The book skilfully surveys SASRA’s various roots, ongoing history, principles of action and present modus operandi. There is particular reference to SASRA’s ministry during two world wars and its necessary adaptation today to the current social and cultural circumstances.

There is no doubt that SASRA is, and has been for a long time now, in a unique position to reach thousands of young men and women in our army and air force with the gospel. It has been wonderfully preserved in its ministry, by God’s grace, for many generations.

All who have a prayerful interest in our armed forces should read this book. While the anonymity of some anecdotes can reduce their impact, the sum total of them is a fine record of selfless service from many fine Christian workers (Scripture Readers), and of God’s blessing often attending their labours.

Roger Fay

Roger Fay
Elder at Zion Evangelical Baptist Church, Ripon, North Yorkshire. Chairman and former editor of ET.
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