The Bible came alive

Lori Knipe
01 December, 2004 1 min read

Since becoming a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ, I have experienced peace and assurance such as I had never known. I have found a faithful friend in Christ.

I was just looking out for myself. I certainly wasn’t looking for Christ and had no idea what joy he would bring. I remember explaining to my girlfriend, ‘When I become successful, and have more time on my hands, then I’ll think about opening up the Bible’.

A friend of mine invited me to a Christian service where Pastor Dickie was preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I remember two things clearly. He held up the Bible and proclaimed, ‘This is the true Word of God’. And then he went on to tell the gospel story about Jesus Christ.

Although I attended a Catholic school for eight years, I don’t ever recall the Bible coming so alive. God had plans for my life that I was unaware of at that time. As I listened, I became hungry to learn more about Christ and the Bible.

The church where the pastor preached was an hour and a half from my home. But something about the message pushed me out of my comfort zone – something I didn’t yet understand – and drew me to those services. Jesus was calling me to himself. Pastor would later explain to me the doctrine of election and God’s redeeming love.

About a week later, my journey to Christ took a decisive turn. The pastor was preaching in detail about the crucifixion – the separation Jesus felt from his Father, so that we might be justified by grace and faith alone.

God’s Holy Spirit got a hold of me that day and convinced me that Jesus died to forgive my sins, no matter how ‘little’ or how ‘big’ they might be. I ran and hid in the cloakroom after the service – full of tears and with a repentant heart. This was the moment God changed my heart and gave me new life in Christ.

My pastor said so confidently, ‘Isn’t Jesus wonderful!’ Yes, yes, he is. What amazing grace!

That was the day that I came to faith in Christ – he did it all and I praise him for it. How wonderful it is when the Lord works in your life.

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