10 (October 2013)

The Cross in the Experience of our Lord

The Cross in the Experience of our Lord
Richard Turner Richard is the pastor at Hyde Street Chapel, Winchester.
30 September, 2013 1 min read

The cross in the experience of our Lord
R. A. Finlayson
Christian Focus Publications, 112 pages, £5.99
ISBN: 978-1-78191-149-5
Star Rating :5

This book consists of a series of six messages originally given by Professor Finlayson at a Welsh Bible convention in 1954. It is printed under the ‘Christian Heritage’ imprint of Christian Focus, which aims to reprint ‘books representing some of the best material from the rich heritage of the church’. With this little book, the publishers have certainly succeeded in their objective.
   There is a helpful foreword by Carl R. Truman and then, for those (like me) who know nothing of Prof. Finlayson, an informative introduction to his life by I. R. MacDonald. This reveals him to have been a scholarly and devout man, a Mr Valiant for Truth and a man of truly catholic spirit.
   In the chapters that follow, Prof. Finlayson draws on his extensive knowledge of the Scriptures to bring before us various facets of what the cross meant to our Saviour.
   The opening chapter, based on 2 Corinthians 4:3-6, is entitled ‘The Creator as Redeemer’. In it we are invited, among other things, to see that ‘the first creation contains to the spiritual eye, a blueprint of the second creation’. This chapter leads on to the book’s second part, where his main theme is expounded.
   There is a chapter on Isaiah 53 entitled ‘Isaiah’s comprehensive view’, followed by a chapter called ‘The two feasts’, in which some wonderful insights are given into the institution of the Lord’s Supper, based on the author’s understanding of the order of events at the Passover feast.
   Further chapters, on Gethsemane (‘The cup and the conflict’), Christ’s trial (‘The Lamb for the sacrifice’) and crucifixion (‘The last offering’) are equally rewarding.
   Here is a book of fine preaching on the best of subjects. It will surely leave all believers who read it saying with the apostle Paul, ‘God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ’. I heartily recommend this to all.
Richard Turner

Richard is the pastor at Hyde Street Chapel, Winchester.
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