The Great Transformation: The sanctification and glorification of the believer

The Great Transformation: The sanctification and glorification of the believer
Philip Bell
Philip Bell Philip is a scientist and educator who lives and works in the United Kingdom. He studied biology and geology at the University of Wales (Swansea), graduating in zoology in 1989.
27 May, 2021 1 min read

This book started life as eight of the author’s sermons, and throughout it, God’s spotlight is turned onto one’s soul. Having appreciated many of Maurice Roberts’s previous books, I was not surprised by this.

I found that The Great Transformation was reading me every time I turned to a fresh chapter. Thoughtful engagement with this book exposes one to full-orbed scriptural truth and constantly prompts heartfelt prayer.

Indeed, the second chapter, ‘Praying in the Spirit’, had me longing for greater earnestness in prayer. Genuine believers have all experienced the spirit of bondage, the prerequisite to experiencing the sweet spirit of adoption, like heaven on earth.

In a heart-rending exposition of Psalm 66:10-12, one has the distinct impression that the preacher is sharing from his own experience of afflictions so that we might reap the benefits of his painful toil. The result is a prayerful yearning for greater sanctification.

Why does the Lord leave his dear people in the world (John 17:15), this dangerous slum of a place? Ultimately, that we may come to unity as believers, to behold his splendour and glory, and be filled with his love.

Afflictions work his purpose in our sanctification; as Samuel Rutherford said: ‘Our pride needs winter weather to rot it.’ Yet because despair is a great evil, God graciously anoints the saints along the pilgrim path with the fresh oil of gladness of heart.

There are too many highlights here to mention them all, but the author’s exposition of Romans 8:19-23 is wonderful, especially regarding the ‘earnest expectation’ of the universe itself, anticipating the future glorification of the saints. The marriage of Christ and his bride will be a union of indissoluble glory. In the present dreary state of things, we have this blessed hope of glory in days to come!

Here is a book calculated to make you take stock of your spiritual state, your progress and joy of faith. It is not a book to race through, but to stop and reflect on regularly. Highly recommended.

Philip Bell
Philip is a scientist and educator who lives and works in the United Kingdom. He studied biology and geology at the University of Wales (Swansea), graduating in zoology in 1989.
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