
The greatest gift

The greatest gift
David Pfeiffer
09 December, 2024 4 min read

What, within reason(!), would be the best Christmas present someone could give you?

Among my side of the family, we have a Secret Santa tradition. My mum acts as the headquarters. To each adult in the family, she assigns another adult. This enables us to spend a bit more money on one member of the family rather than buying lots of little presents for everyone. A record is kept in the headquarters so that when the following year comes round, we are not buying for the same person. The whole arrangement enables us to be a bit bolder in our requests for presents!

So let your imagination run a little further than usual. What would be the present of your choice? A holiday? A deluxe coffee machine? Golf lessons?

What if money was no object? A beautiful 5-bedroomed house with a lovely studio? Enough money to make you financially secure for the rest of your life? A household servant who would cook and clean for you as well as do the gardening?!

New: the ET podcast!