
The Inner Life - Its Nature, Relapse and Recovery

The Inner Life  - Its Nature, Relapse and Recovery
David Mortimer
17 June, 2024 1 min read

Authors: Octavius Winslow
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
156 pages
Purchase from: Evangelical Bookshop (£14.99)

Turley’s modern foreword to this reissue of an 1850 work states: ‘this book was penned in a time’ when ‘the quantity of religion was increasing’ but ‘its quality was deteriorating.  Sadly, our day is marked by the deterioration of both… We need a renewal of spiritual power.’

Octavius Winslow wrote in order to encourage his readers to examine themselves, to recognise deficiencies in their spiritual lives, and to look to the Lord in repentance, seeking his help for their recovery.

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